TStael: And I am not a boy, but the only game where I voluntarily and quite to my pleasure play a male hero is DA2 - Nicholas Boulton's voice performance is so great that I cannot have gotten over it thus far! :-D
Besides, I choose a female hero, except just once I rolled a male inki to romance Dorian, but will desist because the romance was less than the character of Dorian, IMO.
If the char is tolerable, I can do male, and even like it, like in Risen 2.
011284mm: The issue with Tomb Rider etc is with the gaming genre. Gothic unto Risen series - male hero only. Two Worlds - male hero only. The Witcher (minus Dethmold) - male hero only. I like!
You seem to wish to frame potential / eventual LGBT gamers, plus those who are their supporters, as "entitlement" crazy little freaks, whining away and trying to make gaming ... unnaturally ... diverse. When in fact, they could make gaming a better place if only they would subscribe into the standard hetero white norm, eh!
But this is just a little more than hypocritical, I find. If all of us enjoy gaming, what is it away from you? Tell me, pray, so I might understand.
"Rust" - ring a bell, eh, 011284mm?
If you follow gaming news, you must know the fact that gamers being randomly given a race based on Steam ID caused a lot of whimpering: "I am not a racist, but really... what the fouk, I must play as black! I wanna select my race!"
Why do you think these complaints were raised?
I am fairly sure you did not go forth to tell those people to get on with it - because you struggle to understand why some might not enjoy their random raced CHAR, or? ;-)