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UPDATE: The Monstrous Fall Sale Finale has begun!
That means you have until Sunday 10:59 PM UTC to earn more XP and unlock the three freebies! Having a hard time deciding what to get? Can't blame you - there are tons of great deals to discover, plus some whole new ones which just got added to the pile. Yup, this is going to be a rather monstrous finale indeed!

GOG Connect is back!
It's the third edition of GOG Connect – back with 20 new games to grow your DRM-free library for free. These include favorites like Metro 2033 Redux, HuniePop, Broken Sword Director's Cut & Broken Sword 2 Remastered, Starbound, The Witcher 2 and way more.

Head to, connect your Steam account, and get started!

Score Deals Up To 90% Off | Earn XP, Get Free Games

The Monstrous Fall Sale – one of the grandest sales of this year – has begun! Join us for 10 days of new deals up to 90% off, free games to unlock, and surprises yet to come!

Start by grabbing Little Big Adventure 2 totally free to kick off your own monstrous adventure – just redeem through the banner on the front page. The giveaway will last for the first 48 hours, so be fast - that's a true classic that you really shouldn't miss.

But this is only the beginning - you can score even more free games during the Monstrous Fall Sale: participate in the fun, collect badges, and keep shopping to earn XP and unlock:
—Expeditions: Conquistador,
—Victor Vran

Every dollar spent gives you more XP (use your Wallet funds for an extra 10% boost) and you'll find great combos throughout the sale — like Divinity: Original Sin 2 or Tyranny, which unlock all 3 free games right off the bat.

Twitch Plays is coming back and the community will once again channel its inner farmer in two special Stardew Valley events that will grant everyone additional XP, if completed successfully on

You can learn more about the Sale's mechanics and track your progress here.

The Monstrous Fall Sale starts off with a thunderous roar and hot deals – but check back every day for new offers, bundles, and announcements. The Sale will last until November 13, 10:59 PM UTC.
JMich: The one starting on the 23rd.
Ah so it's a premonition.
IronArcturus: 'Still wishing for a Singularity sale... :P
Digital_CHE: Me too.
Wishes are powerful things...what are you going to do if they came true?
Painted_Doll: Advice : Avoid Metrocide .
omega64: Why?
The devs abandoned it . Even the Steam version isn't updated anymore .
omega64: Why?
Painted_Doll: The devs abandoned it . Even the Steam version isn't updated anymore .
Oh? O_o
Thanks for the warning.
Digital_CHE: Me too.
mecharma: Wishes are powerful things...what are you going to do if they came true?
If this means an Activision bundle... oh, my wallet...
Apparantly the XP system is bugged in such a way that the bonus games are not unlocked if you meet the exact requirement, only once you surpass it. At least that's what's happened to me. I already had 5000/5000 XP yesterday, but Expeditions was only unlocked after I increased my XP to 5100 today. Did anyone else experience the same?
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Leroux
Leroux: Apparantly the XP system is bugged in such a way that the bonus games are not unlocked if you meet the exact requirement, only once you surpass it. At least that's what's happened to me. I already had 5000/5000 XP yesterday, but Expeditions was only unlocked after I increased my XP to 5100 today. Did anyone else experience the same?
They just probably wrote XP>level instead of XP>=level.
Not an uncommon mistake.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by phaolo
Leroux: Apparantly the XP system is bugged in such a way that the bonus games are not unlocked if you meet the exact requirement, only once you surpass it. At least that's what's happened to me. I already had 5000/5000 XP yesterday, but Expeditions was only unlocked after I increased my XP to 5100 today. Did anyone else experience the same?
phaolo: They just probably wrote XP>level instead of XP>=level.
Not an uncommon mistake.
Happens to me way too often. :l
I have a few questions about Shovel Knight:

1. Is it completely up to date, regarding patches & content?
2. What kind of save system does it have?
3. How hard is it?
4. What are the main reasons for all the praise it gets?

I'm curious about it, but I'm not sure if I should really spend that much money on it. People keep saying that it's worth the full price, and I fully believe that it is to them, but if I end up losing interest after playing one level or two due to my own preferences in games, it would be a waste of money to me. The thing is, I like challenges but I'm not that patient with repetition. Permadeath or quite long levels with boss fights at the end that require you to completely play through them again if you lose because you haven't figured out the boss yet or something like that would probably be a turn off to me. Is its popularity mostly due to nostalgia and difficulty, like Odallus etc., or is there more to it?
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Leroux
Leroux: I have a few questions about Shovel Knight:

1. Is it completely up to date, regarding patches & content?
Latest update on Steam and on Gog:
Patch 2.4 (24 August 2016)
Lethis looks charming, might buy it after watching a gameplay video or two.
low rated
Leroux: I have a few questions about Shovel Knight:

1. Is it completely up to date, regarding patches & content?
2. What kind of save system does it have?
3. How hard is it?
4. What are the main reasons for all the praise it gets?
2. IIRC there are checkpoints for every stage, but you can destroy checkpoint to get more points/money.
3. It's not hard and it's not easy. I'd say it's just fine to be kind of a challenge but nothing like Dark Souls.
4. Game perfectly combines 8-bit era graphic with some modern mechanics.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Aramandur
Leroux: I have a few questions about Shovel Knight:

1. Is it completely up to date, regarding patches & content?
2. What kind of save system does it have?
3. How hard is it?
4. What are the main reasons for all the praise it gets?
1. Don`t take my word as gospel, but seems to be the same version as the current steam version with more update plans for the future, more characters to play with.

2. Within a level you have several checkpoints. If you die, you`ll lose some money with a chance to recover it and spawn at the last checkpoint. Checkpoints are optional, you can destroy them for money and when you really want a challenge.
Your general save remembers your progress on the world map, monetary situation etc.

3. Opinions differ, some say nintendohard, but I found it rather easy tbh. Controls are great and gameplay is really intuitive. Airship stage is more difficult and if you want all the goodies from a level, it`ll become more interesting, but it is not Megaman. You have a generous life bar after some updates, just avoid spikes and pits ;-) Most Bossfights were really fair, one or two exceptions but that is to be expected for the genre.

4. Blast from a past. Great game, would be a perfect fit for the old Nintendo console. Music is really awesome. If you like Megaman, Ducktales, Super Mario 3 etc. for the old NES and if you own a controller, you'll most likely have fun with it. Only challenger would be the Shantae games, but I own both, so please don`t make me choose.

Watch a Let`s play video, 10 minutes should tell you, if it`s up your alley.
To buy or not to buy The Witness? That is the question.