Cavalary: Awesome to see there's still development going on :) Quite unexpected too, something pretty major like this.
And that is indeed a large number...
MaGog development has never actually stopped, even when she moved into Legacy Mode. She is alive and growing, except that of course she now monitors only ~84% of the full GOG catalogue (and shrinking), rather than 100%.
Still, development has been slow, primarily because I have been (and still am) on an open-ended tour of the world (already 8 months on the road) and have limited time and internet access.
Nevertheless, here are some of the more (or less) interesting features added to MaGog since she entered Legacy Mode:
- The ability for you to add any custom games you wish (e.g. non-GOG games) to your own copy of MaGog and manage them alongside the other MaGog games
- Filtering by, sorting by and display of "Popularity Rank" (based on GOG's "by Popularity" sort order)
- Support for games blocked in China
- Support for Chinese and Polish game titles
- Support for games that are or were sold both as a bundle and separately (e.g. Descent 1+2)
- Ability to search for games that do not belong to any series/pack