D3 Twilight Post:
The group had started the day with a strong push in one direction - "Smurf that Smurf!" "Yeah, that one!" before the group decided to take a long noon-time nap.
After the nap, the group sat around, picked some Smurfberries from bushes around the Village, and settled in to play Settlers of Smurftan. As dinner approached, the group decided it was probably time to make a decision about which Smurf to smurf into the Smurfmatic Smurfmotabulator. "How about that other Smurf? I didn't like that thing he did." "Yeah, sure, why not. He's the unsmurfiest Smurf here."
Two of the assembled Smurfs seized Sagittarius and hauled him toward the machine, while another stood ready to push the button. "Wait, wait!" howled the doomed Smurf, "There's no need to do this, I'll confess. Oh, Smurfs, have pity! You don't know how lonesome it has been. Always fighting with you nice little Smurfs and never having any friends!"
"Wut the Smurf is he talking about?"
"It is I, Gargamel, repeating something I'd said way back in Season 1, episode 20. And - curses - I just wanted to destroy you and your Village with my magic. Is that so wrong?"
"Well, yes, it absolutely smurfing was wrong."
"Oh, well, I guess I see that now. I'd best go."
And with that, the one they knew as Sagittarius Smurf departed, never to be seen again - in this game, anyway.
Hunter has exited the game - he was really 2-shot Gargamel.
"Well, surely we've won now. Just a troll and a wizard. Both gone now. Let's celebrate and have a slightly longer than usual feast!"
"And then everyone make sure to sleep - it's better when it's long and deep,"
"That's what Smurfette said. And smurfbro, that's a little suspicious. I'd keep my eyes on you if I just knew who said it."
Night 3 has fallen.
The thread is closed: DO NOT POST
mod-note: Due to my schedule anticipated restart is mid-day Friday, but that could change.