I think the key to analyzing dedo is going to be the arsonist exchange.
It is now quite clear that JMich was breadcrumbing here:
JMich: Standard flavor. This leaves open the possibility of more than 2 factions (town and mafia), without naming said factions (second mafia faction, serial killers, arsonists etc). Doesn't say anything by itself, though if we start seeing multiple bodies during the nights, we may have to think about the possibility of more factions.
And he confirms it here:
cristigale: @Jmich – any reason you specifically mentioned arsonist?
JMich: Yes. There is one in play. I won't say anything else about it though, other than point out that the firefighter was mafia, not town.
And so yes, the key point is that the firefighter was Mafia, not Town.
The whole arsonist thing went totally beneath my notice Day 1 (it just seemed like one of those Day 1 “let’s argue about word choice because we have nothing else to argue about” things), but of course dedo picked up on it and he’s the one who expressed the concern about it. He then voted for JMich, ostensibly because of JMich’s flimsy reasoning on voting for Wyrm purely in order to blame me and set me up. That made me give dedo big points yesterday, and if he had survived, I have no doubt I would be following him in building a lynch wagon for JMich without a second thought, if he re-started one.
So how does JMich know there’s an arsonist in the game, and why is the firefighter Mafia?
Either JMich is the arsonist, or he has some Town-aligned role. I reject the notion that Scum team has two arsonist-related roles. What would they be? Two firefighters? The arsonist itself really couldn’t be Scum, because then Scum team would have two night-killing roles, and that’s just too overpowered, especially in a game with only fourteen players. As much as I would love to be all over JMich and vote him until the ends of time, looking at the way dedo was on him – and promising to stay on him – I just don’t think he could be Scum as well.
If JMich is a neutral arsonist (i.e., serial killer), what benefit would there be to outing himself? That would be suicidal play. Hopefully he lets us in on his secret, but I’m guessing he’s going to claim Town Firefighter. dedo, knowing there is an arsonist in the game, would of course have picked up on JMich’s breadcrumb, which in turn was no doubt why he breadcrumbed it. Drop the term and see who reacts to it, which would allow the arsonist to know exactly whom to kill. Wait.
I just stopped to read this over. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. Frig it, I’m going to bed.
The only person getting Town points from me today is Sage for even trying to organize data. Everyone else is just barfing up random votes and arguing about cat hair.