yogsloth: I still feel pretty good about it, though. :)
Been awhile since I've been responsible for crushing someone's dreams so thoroughly.
trentonlf: Let me ask you a question, what would be the point of me chasing after more than one person at a time?
I didn't say you had to chase after more than one person at a time. My concern was that I couldn't see you even
noticing more than one person at a time. If you never make any mention at all that you are assessing more than your current target, then I don't feel safe assuming you are doing so.
bler144: In terms of reading me, I think the oddity is that I'm a bit all over the map: sometimes serious, sometimes frivolous.
This might well be what is pinging me about you. *shrug*
I'll worry more about rereading you if I survive the day. If I don't survive the day, then it falls into the category "Not My Problem".
bler144: But 'twere I scum, it would be a very risky way to play ...
Let me assure you that this will not be seen as a valid defense. Ask me how I know. ;)
yogsloth: I'm sitting at my desk giggling like a loon. Wouldn't it be amazing if we cracked this whole thing the first day?
Yes, it would be. Crushed dreams, oh yes.
agentcarr16: Because I placed that vote in a hurry, without proper research, I am going to
unvote Bookwyrm And Agent takes one of my predictions and flushes it. Ah well. I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again.
yogsloth: So... nobody saw what I saw? Did I hallucinate it?
I saw it, I just agree with Krypsyn. I don't think it means what you think it means.
yogsloth: Well, me either. Too late today to really rip into it anyway. Will table it for tomorrow.
Sounds like you're going to have a full day tomorrow. I look forward to seeing how you handle it.
bler144: Anyway, this comment has been bugging me all day, since I thought I'd remembered you saying the opposite earlier on. And sure enough in 475 you said "Also, the hammer vote
tends to be scrutinized by townies precisely to check for a scum finishing a townie off."
I'm curious how you square those two, seemingly contradictory, points. It's not as if I'm standing free and clear outside suspicion now. Perhaps ironically, they would seem to only square if you flip as something other than town, no?
I bolded a rather important word in the quote from post 475. The one is a generalization, and doesn't always hold true. The other (you hammering me on Day 1 in this game) is a very specific situation where I look really bad to a number of players.