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Bookwyrm627: Who is your top pick then? Am I in your top 3-5, and if so, where?
JMich: bler (pushing a bit too much for no lynch, unsure if newbieness or not).
I don't mind if you vote for me, since I don't think I particularly help the town all that much. However I think people keep misconstruing my position, somewhat willfully even.

Have I ever said, "Hey, come on everybody, let's no lynch!"? No, I've just explained some of the reasons why I would personally do it, and then subsequently defended myself against the barrage of fairly weak arguments presented that it's a "terrible" play for town to no-lynch day 1. I'm not even necessarily arguing that it's an "optimal" strategy, just that with an n=even start it doesn't seem inherently worse than an RVS once you play through the chain to the game's end. How it makes people "feel" on Day 2 imo is irrelevant.

Which the paper seems to kind-of-sort-of maybe support, and at the very least doesn't disprove.

For the 40th time, I'm under no illusion that other people are going to come on board with a no lynch if I ultimately go that way. Never have been. For functional purposes I'm not sure why voting no lynch ultimately plays any differently than a number of other strats if I were trying to sink the town. I could, for example, pretend to start a wagon against Christi knowing full well that it's going nowhere, or glom on to yog, since he's got a bit of FoS on him, but unlikely to actually get strung up. Same outcome with apparently less heat.

I'm not sure if people are trying to troll me into continuing to bite on a stupid argument for entertainment or the hope that maybe the fact that I keep biting makes them think eventually I'll slip - which assumes I have anything to even slip on. But given the number of people enraged, it seems the very notion that I (and I alone) might vote no lynch just offends their sensibilities so much they can't think rationally about it.

Whatever. Be my guest. I nominate myself.
flubbucket: Isn't that "lynching for information" instead of lynching scum??
Hell of a fire you are trying to start there. Especially since we don't know who the scum are at this point, unless you want to share something. Lynching someone for information is always good, especially if someone is pushing for their lynch a bit too hard. Please, do offer a suggestion on a better target if you have one.
Yog is the one that raises the most flags, but it might be omgus on my part. On the off chance that it is, it might be best to do a second read, and see if my replies are based on logic, not emotion. Unfortunately, infallibility is not one of my qualities, despite my attempts.
Krypsyn: But, seriously...

Unvote: Jmich
Vote: RWarehall

Hmm.. time to kill time waiting for the time...

Seems apt.

oh.. Flubbucket posted! yay! :)
flubbucket: You realize you're in the minority of those happy when I post....

I do not like the JMich voting Bookwyrm in order to make yogsloth look bad.

Isn't that "lynching for information" instead of lynching scum??
I will honestly say as soon as JMich voted for Bookwyrm and gave his reasoning to do so a red flag popped up for me. My thought was this, JMich knows Bookwyrm will flip town and has laid the foundation to get Yogs lynched because of it. If Bookwyrm is lynched and flips town I would be almost certain JMich is scum just from his vote post alone.
bler144: But given the number of people enraged, it seems the very notion that I (and I alone) might vote no lynch just offends their sensibilities so much they can't think rationally about it.
Can you really blame them?
JMich: ...but Vitek is pushing a bit too aggressively for votes (at least too aggressively for me).

I do need to take a second look at the thread, because I think there were reasons to look at a couple more people, but I didn't take any notes while reading it the first time. Will have to correct that at some point.
This might sound a little self-serving, and it is a little self-serving, but might I request that you take that second look BEFORE somebody dies? ;)

Also, did you mean to say Vitek is pushing too aggressively?


yogsloth: The killer thing about it is, that if you can survive to late game, you’re a rock star. I’ve seen it. Your logic does come into play and cut through the emotional crap. But early-to-mid game, it’s just too easy for you to skate by, and if you ARE scum, you just get a free pass day after day, and that bites my cheese about every lurker-type player.
JMich: This is you saying that I am a strong endgame player, is it not? Have I somehow misread this paragraph? I am frustrating during the first few days, and I may get a pass for said days, but you do acknowledge that I am helpful during the endgame.
Let's see the next paragraph to that, shall we?
Check the bolded portion (my doing). You're great for town if you're town. You don't have quite the same impact if you are scum.

yogsloth: I’m completely aware that sometimes I jump in the pool without checking to see if it’s full of water first. But at this point, yes, I would vote for you as a 2nd-choice candidate more due to your playstyle (or lack thereof) than outright scumminess. Because it’s Day 1, and there is no certainty, and if I have to pick between no-lynch and getting rid of a player that isn’t very helpful regardless of potential alignment, it’s an easy call.
JMich: So, I am not very helpful, regardless of my alignment, even though I am helpful during the endgame. Hm...
And isn't that you saying that you are willing to lynch me today?

So, combining those two, aren't you saying that even though you consider me an asset to town for the endgame, you are willing to lynch me? Do point out the fallacy, if any exists.
He doesn't consider you helpful during Day 1, and he would rather lynch you than No Lynch.

There is also the question of whether you are scum sliding under the radar, rather than town waiting for better information.

JMich: (I can do humor, even if you think I'm incapable of it)
If it helps, I tend to smile at your humor.
bler144: But given the number of people enraged, it seems the very notion that I (and I alone) might vote no lynch just offends their sensibilities so much they can't think rationally about it.
Krypsyn: Can you really blame them?
Well, yes, but that's because I'm not the sort of person who would join fight club. I also - and this may really get me lynched - think that movie is a tad overrated.

I mean, it's pretty good, but I don't really get the drooling adulation or the need for a sequel 20 years later. I guess I just prefer Amelie. Why can't we get a sequel of that?
Krypsyn: Can you really blame them?
bler144: Well, yes, but that's because I'm not the sort of person who would join fight club. I also - and this may really get me lynched - think that movie is a tad overrated.

I mean, it's pretty good, but I don't really get the drooling adulation or the need for a sequel 20 years later. I guess I just prefer Amelie. Why can't we get a sequel of that?
Fight Club is way overrated.
flubbucket: You realize you're in the minority of those happy when I post....

I do not like the JMich voting Bookwyrm in order to make yogsloth look bad.

Isn't that "lynching for information" instead of lynching scum??
trentonlf: I will honestly say as soon as JMich voted for Bookwyrm and gave his reasoning to do so a red flag popped up for me. My thought was this, JMich knows Bookwyrm will flip town and has laid the foundation to get Yogs lynched because of it. If Bookwyrm is lynched and flips town I would be almost certain JMich is scum just from his vote post alone.
Trying to catch up and place a vote...coming soon.

This raised a red flag for me as well.
bler144: I mean, it's pretty good, but I don't really get the drooling adulation or the need for a sequel 20 years later. I guess I just prefer Amelie. Why can't we get a sequel of that?
It isn't my favorite either. However, if there were rules about GOG Mafia, I think the first two rules would be "Don't talk about No Lynch".

As for movie sequels... eh... I honestly can't think of a movie that didn't get a sequel that I think needs one. I can think of many that got sequels I feel didn't deserve one, of course. There must be a movie that qualifies for me, but most of my favorite movies just don't need one. I am talking about movies like "Grosse Point Blank" or "Heathers"; what could possibly be gained by a sequel to either?
flubbucket: Isn't that "lynching for information" instead of lynching scum??
JMich: Hell of a fire you are trying to start there. Especially since we don't know who the scum are at this point, unless you want to share something. Lynching someone for information is always good, especially if someone is pushing for their lynch a bit too hard. Please, do offer a suggestion on a better target if you have one.
Yog is the one that raises the most flags, but it might be omgus on my part. On the off chance that it is, it might be best to do a second read, and see if my replies are based on logic, not emotion. Unfortunately, infallibility is not one of my qualities, despite my attempts.
(Look at all the emphasis I am giving!)

You can read the vote count as well as I, I have a vote on record.

Now I do realize lynching a New Player on Day One is far from cricket. However I'm getting a vibe (from agentcarr) I can't shake.
Krypsyn: It isn't my favorite either. However, if there were rules about GOG Mafia, I think the first two rules would be "Don't talk about No Lynch".
Yeah, as a metaphor I did see your point. I grossly violated some unvoiced custom, clearly, with the qualification that it only applies to Day 1.

I am talking about movies like "Grosse Point Blank" or "Heathers"; what could possibly be gained by a sequel to either?
I could see Heathers recast in a retirement community. I mean, it would probably suck, but I could see it getting made.
bler144: I could see Heathers recast in a retirement community. I mean, it would probably suck, but I could see it getting made.
Heh.. okay... for a more recent example of a movie I really liked but I don't think needs a sequel: Filth
Lots of work leaves me with the only opportunity to read thoroughly and participate during evenings. Even though there isn't too much going on a ton of content has to be perused each time and more often than not a bunch of people have already made points and pointed out things of interest, so re-stating them just to leave my sign isn't as useful. This time around an interesting event took place not so long and I do have something to say.

JMich: I am not going to vote you today. I will follow your instinct and go after Wyrm. If your gut is correct, I will only be wondering if you were bussing your scum mate. If Wyrm does flip town though, I will be scrutinizing your every move, since the above two quoted paragraphs are a bigger flag than anything else posted so far in this thread. And with Vitek threatening with deadline, I'd rather have a lynch than no lynch.

So, vote Bookwyrm627
There was something about JMich that didn't sit well with me at one point but I left it aside, since it may have been nothing. This is the second thing that doesn't feel good. I don't like this vote at all. Unlike others I'm not keen on lynching Wyrm because of his approach. I already said that I'm more inclined to believe he is in fact Town but his play isn't working as expected or in the best way possible for him. But I believe it did help get things moving at least a bit. But I digress.

Voting for someone because one suspects them or sees them as the most likely being scum is OK. Not voting for them even though others preach about it because one isn't convinced in their guilt is also fine. But voting for someone just to go with a person you actually suspect is scum only to be able to rub it in their nose afterwards as a rock-solid reason on why you are suddenly pushing for them is not OK. At least in my book.

I may oversimplify things here but what I see is the most likely lynchee being pushed further just for a point to be proven. A point that supposedly will paint the most outspoken anti-Wyrm player right now as scum.

I do believe Wyrm will flip Town if lynched. This almost automatically gives JMich leverage over Yog, because he warned that this will result in all-out scrutinizing. JMich is a strong player and it won't be surprising if that scrutiny ends up with Yog's lynch. And that lynch will be backed by this setup. That's all fine and dandy, but JMich, let me ask you something I asked Trent when he was pressuring the very same person.

Let's say Wyrm flips Town. You go after Yog and this results in a lynch. What will happen if Yog also flips Town? Maybe go after Trent, who also shared the same feeling as Yog? Your current reason is pretty much valid in both cases.

Both Yog and you covered the fact that you're a good player. I'm a bit sorry I wasn't there to see your scum game in the previous iteration, that would have been useful experience. A good Town player is a valuable asset, but a great Mafia player is a scarier possibility. Especially in the endgame.

I now have a person that makes me uncomfortable enough to actually place a vote on.

vote JMich
Bookwyrm627: Also, did you mean to say Vitek is pushing too aggressively?
Yes. Vitek. The mod.

Bookwyrm627: Check the bolded portion (my doing). You're great for town if you're town. You don't have quite the same impact if you are scum.
Already covered. Closed setup, there may be investigative roles that can clear or condemn me. But why wait for any possible investigation...

Bookwyrm627: He doesn't consider you helpful during Day 1, and he would rather lynch you than No Lynch.
I also consider a cop useless on Day 1 (unless there was a Night 0 he could act), but I wouldn't consider lynching him. Future benefits far outweigh the temporary uselessness.
Sorry, guys, but I'm knackered tonight. It was my sister's birthday today, and I'm all partied out (eating cake and playing Bloodborne was as raucous as it got).

For now, however:

@Sage: Give me a reason not to vote for you.

Dear mod, could we have another vote count?