JMich: Some people act on emotion, some people act on logic. You assume one should speak as soon as they notice something, I believe one should be certain (or almost certain) before making accusations.
In the real world, this is very respectable opinion. If only we all followed this advice.
In Forum Mafia Day 1, however, there is no certainty. Unless it’s the incredibly rare exception (like the Milk game where I popped the Serial Killer in Night Zero), there never can be. And yet we still must play, so we must play with the hands we are dealt. The joy of the game is that there is no certainty, and yet we must carry on.
JMich: So no, I don't expect someone else to do all the work, but I do expect someone to make a convincing argument as to why we should vote for someone. "Lurking" is not a convincing argument, nor is "gut feeling". Thus, I am asking of the one most convinced they have identified scum to check their reasoning. Have them look at their post again, and decide if they are going by "gut feeling" or if they do have a logical argument as to why they are voting the way they are.
But when do we get to the part where you are the one making a convincing argument? Why are you not held to the same standard? You ARE relying on everyone else to do the work. You do a great job of criticizing everyone else’s method for digging the hole, but you never bother to pick up the shovel yourself.
JMich: Yes. I've never claimed my posting is the optimal one. Though the optimal play would be a nice study, especially since it would be a colossal case of WIFOM.
On the other hand, can you imagine if everyone played like Krypsyn? Or like flub?
Let’s just agree that would, at the very least, be massively entertaining. :)
JMich: You really think 1 vote is reason to worry? L-3 is the first possibility of being close to lynch, though that does (obviously) change as the players' numbers dwindle. And I have said again that a townie should not fear lynch. So no, votes are no reason to worry.
Oh, I’m not worried, for myself or any particular player right now. We’re heading straight to no-lynch and the train can’t get up enough steam to avoid it.
JMich: And here's the cold logic I so love to see. The reason to vote me being my scumminess, not anything else. Why am I your second choice for lynch? Due to my playstyle? Due to my character? Or due to my play?
I have no comment on your personal character – I’m sure you’re a swell guy! Play-wise, I put you in the same class of player as HijacK and HSL – you may or may not be Scum, but you sure ain’t Town. The killer thing about it is, that if you can survive to late game, you’re a rock star. I’ve seen it. Your logic does come into play and cut through the emotional crap. But early-to-mid game, it’s just too easy for you to skate by, and if you ARE scum, you just get a free pass day after day, and that bites my cheese about every lurker-type player.
I’m completely aware that sometimes I jump in the pool without checking to see if it’s full of water first. But at this point, yes, I would vote for you as a 2nd-choice candidate more due to your playstyle (or lack thereof) than outright scumminess. Because it’s Day 1, and there is no certainty, and if I have to pick between no-lynch and getting rid of a player that isn’t very helpful regardless of potential alignment, it’s an easy call.
OK, I think we’ve once again hit our yog-limit for the day. I need a vacation.