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Wb. Grab a box of Timbits for me! Or, y'know, just enjoy them yourself.

Leonard03: Only thing that stands out really is Krypsyn. He has basically said zippo, this whole time.
He's garbled his message, not to mention buried it in a lot of data that's primarily noise, but I think he's actually been on point subtly, and increasingly so as the day has gone on. As you note, there hasn't been a lot of substance from anyone, or at least, very little that's concrete.

On that note
Mrkgnao found this a while ago. I am not sure that it will convince you of anything, but I found it quite interesting and informative.
Thanks, that's a bit more what I had in mind. Of course, having ordered it and getting it delivered, I need to suck up and actually read it ;)
Hmm... I have an idea for a Mafia game in regards to Day 1.

Day 1 lasts 72 hours. Everyone may only post, at maximum, 3 times. If there is a No Lynch, then a Town players is killed at random (or by fiat :P).
flubbucket: I've been trying to make this post for the past hour, I'm not even kidding......GYAAHH!!!!

flubbucket: agentcarr16 - takes both sides on an issue

Haha, yes. I'll admit that I do tend to do that, but that's just the way I play.

flubbucket: Here's the thing.

You claim "inexperienced" and yet you also claim "but that's just the way I play" and I just can't make the two work out clearly.

How can you have a "way I play" if this is your first game??
If you are trying to quote other posts and a square brace is missing, sometimes it won't post, it just sits and spins. Depends on what it is, sometimes you just get a crappy looking post.
Krypsyn: Hmm... I have an idea for a Mafia game in regards to Day 1.

Day 1 lasts 72 hours. Everyone may only post, at maximum, 3 times. If there is a No Lynch, then a Town players is killed at random (or by fiat :P).
That would be just as effective as what is going on now but would move the game along a whole lot faster LOL
yogsloth: Some people work hard to make their own destiny, and some people sit around and wait for it to happen to them.
Some people act on emotion, some people act on logic. You assume one should speak as soon as they notice something, I believe one should be certain (or almost certain) before making accusations.

So no, I don't expect someone else to do all the work, but I do expect someone to make a convincing argument as to why we should vote for someone. "Lurking" is not a convincing argument, nor is "gut feeling". Thus, I am asking of the one most convinced they have identified scum to check their reasoning. Have them look at their post again, and decide if they are going by "gut feeling" or if they do have a logical argument as to why they are voting the way they are.

yogsloth: Can you imagine if everyone played as you did? There would be zero game.
Yes. I've never claimed my posting is the optimal one. Though the optimal play would be a nice study, especially since it would be a colossal case of WIFOM.
On the other hand, can you imagine if everyone played like Krypsyn? Or like flub?

yogsloth: Every day would time out and end in no-lynch, and nothing would happen. When you have a group of people that all sit around waiting for life to happen to them, and nobody working hard, you have nothing at all.
Don't think it would go exactly like that. My playing method relies on others playing differently. If there wasn't anyone playing differently, then I wouldn't be playing like this.

yogsloth: it’s working great for you as you have no votes and no worries.
You really think 1 vote is reason to worry? L-3 is the first possibility of being close to lynch, though that does (obviously) change as the players' numbers dwindle. And I have said again that a townie should not fear lynch. So no, votes are no reason to worry.

yogsloth: I’m trying not to just regurgitate the last game into this one, but yep, if I can’t have Wyrm today, I’ll take you in a heartbeat.
And here's the cold logic I so love to see. The reason to vote me being my scumminess, not anything else. Why am I your second choice for lynch? Due to my playstyle? Due to my character? Or due to my play?
JMich: On the other hand, can you imagine if everyone played like Krypsyn?
That would be... interesting. Mainly because I often try to run counter to the accepted normal (in life as well as in game). I think a game full of Krypsyns would be schizophrenic, at the very least. However, it would never be boring (although, I would be biased on this point).
JMich: So no, I don't expect someone else to do all the work, but I do expect someone to make a convincing argument as to why we should vote for someone. "Lurking" is not a convincing argument, nor is "gut feeling". Thus, I am asking of the one most convinced they have identified scum to check their reasoning. Have them look at their post again, and decide if they are going by "gut feeling" or if they do have a logical argument as to why they are voting the way they are.
I agree with that. Early in the game I had a bit of a bug about CSP, but the more I thought about it and re-read what they'd actually posted, it was largely just that I was overweighting his initial accusation against 3 of us based on outside of game chatter.

Was it scummy or did they just get my goat over a misunderstanding? Over time it seemed more likely it was the latter. Not enough for building an accusation around when I actually went back and tried to make a good case.

If I were a better bluffer, perhaps I would have at least gone fishing. But as evidenced to-date, usually I can't resist adding the punchline when bluffing. I presume the bluff is going to fall apart anyway before it's productive, so might as well get my own enjoyment out of it.
JMich: Some people act on emotion, some people act on logic. You assume one should speak as soon as they notice something, I believe one should be certain (or almost certain) before making accusations.
In the real world, this is very respectable opinion. If only we all followed this advice.

In Forum Mafia Day 1, however, there is no certainty. Unless it’s the incredibly rare exception (like the Milk game where I popped the Serial Killer in Night Zero), there never can be. And yet we still must play, so we must play with the hands we are dealt. The joy of the game is that there is no certainty, and yet we must carry on.

JMich: So no, I don't expect someone else to do all the work, but I do expect someone to make a convincing argument as to why we should vote for someone. "Lurking" is not a convincing argument, nor is "gut feeling". Thus, I am asking of the one most convinced they have identified scum to check their reasoning. Have them look at their post again, and decide if they are going by "gut feeling" or if they do have a logical argument as to why they are voting the way they are.
But when do we get to the part where you are the one making a convincing argument? Why are you not held to the same standard? You ARE relying on everyone else to do the work. You do a great job of criticizing everyone else’s method for digging the hole, but you never bother to pick up the shovel yourself.

JMich: Yes. I've never claimed my posting is the optimal one. Though the optimal play would be a nice study, especially since it would be a colossal case of WIFOM.
On the other hand, can you imagine if everyone played like Krypsyn? Or like flub?
Let’s just agree that would, at the very least, be massively entertaining. :)

JMich: You really think 1 vote is reason to worry? L-3 is the first possibility of being close to lynch, though that does (obviously) change as the players' numbers dwindle. And I have said again that a townie should not fear lynch. So no, votes are no reason to worry.
Oh, I’m not worried, for myself or any particular player right now. We’re heading straight to no-lynch and the train can’t get up enough steam to avoid it.

JMich: And here's the cold logic I so love to see. The reason to vote me being my scumminess, not anything else. Why am I your second choice for lynch? Due to my playstyle? Due to my character? Or due to my play?
I have no comment on your personal character – I’m sure you’re a swell guy! Play-wise, I put you in the same class of player as HijacK and HSL – you may or may not be Scum, but you sure ain’t Town. The killer thing about it is, that if you can survive to late game, you’re a rock star. I’ve seen it. Your logic does come into play and cut through the emotional crap. But early-to-mid game, it’s just too easy for you to skate by, and if you ARE scum, you just get a free pass day after day, and that bites my cheese about every lurker-type player.

I’m completely aware that sometimes I jump in the pool without checking to see if it’s full of water first. But at this point, yes, I would vote for you as a 2nd-choice candidate more due to your playstyle (or lack thereof) than outright scumminess. Because it’s Day 1, and there is no certainty, and if I have to pick between no-lynch and getting rid of a player that isn’t very helpful regardless of potential alignment, it’s an easy call.

OK, I think we’ve once again hit our yog-limit for the day. I need a vacation.
I'm leaving in about twenty minutes for two days at the cottage, so this is going to be quick. I want to place my vote.

bler144 has made a lot of mistakes, saying bizarre things and generally pushing a lot of buttons without knowing what they do. This is bad, but he's a newbie, so I'm going to but him slack for now.

trentonlf has been lambasting yogsloth, and vice versa, with no obvious results, but it seems to be over play-style, and I haven't noted anything strongly scummy yet, from either one, so I think they're out.

cristigale has been posting very infrequently, but all (at least, the vast majority) of her posts have been good content, so she's not going to be voted for.

CSPVG has also not been posting a lot, but no other strikes against him.

Leonard03, JMich, dedoporno, and RWarehall have been posting the least, with little content, at least in my eyes. I really can't get a read at this point, so my only reason for lynching would be lurkiness, which I don't like.

That really only leaves flubbucket and Sage. I have no clue what flubbucket is up to with the 'drunk' posting, and none of his other posts have struck me as being very helpful. Again, though, my only reason would be unhelpful lurkiness.
Sage is basically the same case.

Krypsyn has been really quiet, at least about important things :P
However, he hasn't done anything scummy besides bizarre voting patterns, half of which are fishing for laughs and sarcasm.

Bookwyrm acted strangely, with his little trap. And his general 'wounded' attitude, when many other players (at least some of whom are definitely town) have told him that his traps are unhelpful, is really not what town needs.
Until I return then, on Friday morning, I am going to

vote Bookwyrm

I hope that the deadline hasn't passed by then, as I really want to get a longer read on everyone before I vote for the deadline.
I was just about to post that agentcarr will be gone whole Wednesday and Thursday and that I am aware of it.

As he said it yourself, I am only repeating it in case you missed it. :-)

There was also votecount planned and since agentcarr wasn't faster with that one, this is it's premiere:

Bookwyrm3 – trentonlf, yogsloth, agentcarr
agentcarr – 1 – flubbucket
RWarehall – 1 – Krypsyn
Krypsyn – 1 – Leonard
Sage – 1 – Rwarehall
trentonlf – 1 - Bookwyrm

not voting – 6 - dedoporno, CSPVG, cristigale, Sage, bler, Jmich

Bookwyrm is closest to lynch with 3 votes at L-5.

With 6 people not voting after almost 1 week I would be inclined to already declare deadline but I am not going to do it just yet with 2 people away at the moment.

@Leonard; I counted your vote this time but, please, next time try to use the name of player that makes it absolutely clear who you mean. I can accept small deviations in names if it is certain that the name will still be recognizable by anyone. That concerns not only Leonard.
Post edited July 08, 2015 by Vitek
agentcarr16: Krypsyn has been really quiet, at least about important things :P
But, what exactly is important to talk about on Day 1? I refuse to talk about my PM directly in any way, and I don't want to talk about the potential set-up of this game yet. So... really, there is only for me to vote, which I have done.

agentcarr16: However, he hasn't done anything scummy besides bizarre voting patterns, half of which are fishing for laughs and sarcasm.
My voting patterns are easily explained. Here, I'll help you out a little by explaining them a little.

Remember that list of a dozen or so votes and unvotes I spewed out? I voted (then unvoted) all the players who hadn't placed a vote in the previous vote-count by Vitek. It was my way of humorously and indirectly indicating that I wished they would vote, and that I was annoyed with them for not doing so.

In a similar way, I had a reason for voting for CSPVG and then unvoting him as soon as anyone (not necessarily him) brought it up. However, that reason is vastly different. It is more fun to keep you guessing on that one though.

As for RWarehall. Well... it has a lot to do with the entirety of his post 169. He goes after Bookwyrm627, but lets me off with a pass, for instance. It just seems rather arbitrary (still not buying he reason that I am 'involved' at that point), while still going after low-hanging fruit. Also, I don't like the way he was grouping people together to make arguments about them; just so easy to wiggle out of later.

Oh, dang, I seem to have gotten somewhat serious here. I am getting way too involved in my own life here!
yogsloth: Oh, I’m not worried, for myself or any particular player right now. We’re heading straight to no-lynch and the train can’t get up enough steam to avoid it.
I would find that amusing. But I think the majority are set against that outcome because principle.

So right now I think the heat is actually on bookwyrm who, in the absence of a viable alternative, seems the most likely to see the wagons circling. And not just because he's L-5 closer than everyone else in terms of votes on the table.

For me, I don't have enough to go on to lead a charge on anyone, but I'd say there are 3 I could more easily persuaded to pile on somewhat easily (one of whom has at least 1 vote already), and a few others I'd consider, maybe.

JMich I'd been somewhat persuaded to lean against, but I think is now safe with me for Day 1. I've enjoyed his recent contributions, and I think yog's post only helped persuade me further "if you can survive to late game, you’re a rock star. I’ve seen it." Assuming that's accurate, it seems a bit like sacrificing one's queen just because you don't like the way her crown was cut.

Though of course, both could be scum and this a distancing gambit.

So I'll just say that, for day 1, my current safe list would include:
Leonard (per agreement on his absence, not based on in-game reasons)
and 3 others I won't specifically name just to hold some cards back.

I'm sure everyone finds this fascinating and rife with great info to be gleaned.
bler144: I'm sure everyone finds this fascinating and rife with great info to be gleaned.
Yes. I have you pegged as either pro-town or anti-town. Or maybe neutral. You are an open book to me now! Go on... tell me I am wrong! :)

Also, I am on your 'safe' list? You seem to be going a bit against trend for that one. :)
Krypsyn: Yes. I have you pegged as either pro-town or anti-town. Or maybe neutral. You are an open book to me now! Go on... tell me I am wrong! :)

Also, I am on your 'safe' list? You seem to be going a bit against trend for that one. :)
Perhaps I'm an independent tasked with determining if the town should be saved or destroyed - simultaneously pro- and anti-town. Did you ever read Daniel Suarez's duology Daemon/Freedom? The central protagonist in that series more or less fills that role. I would have gone with a biblical reference but didn't have one on the the tip of my tongue.

I don't mind going against trend. I don't have any specific indication that you aren't scum, but my gut is leaning that way. If your original flurry of posts was just to let FoS fall on you and then move on, I'm not sure why you would have kept up the pace/strategy this long.

Plus, let's face it, the game is far more interesting with you in it, at least for now. If you leave it'll just be me here talking to myself.
bler144: If your original flurry of posts was just to let FoS fall on you and then move on, I'm not sure why you would have kept up the pace/strategy this long.
Perhaps I was just having fun playing the foil? Other players were making a few big posts filled with supposedly deep analysis based on very little of substance. I, instead, was making many superficially frivolous posts, meanwhile littering them with analysis in a different format.

agentcarr16: Plus, let's face it, the game is far more interesting with you in it, at least for now.
Ahh... to be a Dread Pirate. :)