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I was MIA one day nursing a hangover and now im lurking. =D

I am almost caught back up. I figured why not throw my two cents in on the lets lynch the lurkers or not. I am not sure either way. Ah I know epic info right there. No but really what I think is they are not helping or adding anything to the game and can become a issue a few days from now when you still can not get a read on them and keep giving them pass after pass. In the game I was scum when it came time for my lynches. I clammed up and did not talk much. My reason for this was I was afraid to say anything and have it come off wrong or make me look even more scummy. Plus why give them anything in terms of info that could help. Yet I was in the dark as much as the town to a degree as there was another mafia team and I had no idea if i was against them as well as town or what.

But on the other end of the stick. There are roles we do not even know about and someone might be seen as lurking when they are really just trying to lay a bit low to make sure they do not get lynched or draw to much attention to themselves for a NK. When I choose who to NK I picked the player that I found to be most town. If I picked off the strongest town aligned that would leave them less sure on who is actually town.

Is this post going to help anything. Most likely not but it is my thoughts on some reason for some to lurk and it goes both ways so it is really a bit of how has that player come off in the posts they have posted and try to use them to get a feel.
I am trying to use books script to look up posts from a player and I am not exactly understanding it. Can anyone on post the script as it should be copied into the box thingie. =( I have been trying for 30 minutes and I still can not get it to work.
Bookwyrm627: I'm unimpressed with trent's contributions so far, but he's been consistent with what I remember of his usual Day 1. It has been months since I've seen him actually get to Day 2. >.>

So, I’d consider JMich, RWarehall, Trent, or CSPVG. Maybe Krypsyn and Sage too. Trent is probably my top choice, but this is tenuous.
This is funny. My contributions have been the same as anyone else's. You make several scummy posts, I call you on it and place my vote. You do nothing to convince me you are not scum so I have left my vote. Several people have pointed out that your posts have been scummy yet they are willing to shrug it off because it's so obviously scummy that it had to be intentional so they get a pass from you. I don't buy it. You seem to now be trying to make my thoughts trivial by calling my contributions unimpressive thus making any attempt of mine to say you are scummy look reactionary and diminish the effect.

I can assure you any game I play I will hound anyone who wants to talk PMs or personal role information on day 1, it's a game breaker and scummy. So yes that will always be typical. My vote on you however had nothing to do with that, it was with your scummy posts. I still believe you slipped when you were trying to be cute and funny and have been trying to weasel yourself out of it since.

Anyone I find scummy I will say something and vote, l guess since you find that "unimpressive" it must strike a cord with you.
I’m looking at another busy day, but you know I’ll be following along and I’ll add what I can. [And pre-post edit, I’ve been working on this post for ~2 hours now and it’s still disorganized and I probably missed something]

Very glad to see flub back in the mix.

Lurker issue first, then I go back and hit the highlights:

RWarehall: One reason to lynch lurkers as a potential policy lynch is they have no record to help you in later days anyway. Also, since lurkers often disappear, eliminating them early helps keep the active numbers up, so one doesn't no-lynch. Someone mentioned the werewolf game, but in that game we had some lurkers who were nowhere to be found which crippled our chances at getting a real lynch.
JMich: Once more, facepalm. Lynches in the early days are there to provide a wagon to analyse. If the only reason one is on a wagon is "The target is a lurker", then no analysis can be made. It's no different than a townie playing scummy to "Draw out the scum". Townies would also vote for them, because they played scummy. What analysis could one gain from that?

Now, be aware that I do make a distinction between lurkers who are still participating (me, Krypsyn and CSPVG would be good examples) and lurkers who sign up and disappear (QuadrAlien would be prime example of that). But in either case, suggesting lynching a lurker on Day 1 is a bad choice.
Lots of people chiming in, but I quoted the two above for purposes of contrast. My own opinion is that lynching someone exclusively for lurking is poor strategy. However, in absence of a better option, I prefer lynching a lurker to no-lynch. JMich himself has lectured us on the foolishness of no-lynching, and I agree with this position. However… if you take that position, AND take the position that you shouldn’t lynch posters for lurking… then you really need to be pro-active and initiate something on your own. Because if you won’t initiate, you won’t vote, and you won’t lynch a lurker… what in hell are you doing? When it comes down to it, if we can’t reach a decision (and yes, our little group of reactive no-players is once again heading that direction), then I’m on board with grabbing the least-useful player and shooting him. Or hanging him, given our current flavor. I want to play a game with fun, entertaining, friendly people. I do not want to play a game with people who do not want to play. I don’t care if somebody thinks it’s “bad policy”, I want to play an active fun game, and if we can’t reach a logical consensus, then I feel 100% OK with just slaughtering the useless.

bler144: FWIW, I'm aware my [deliriously funny] gambit above had a 0.00001% chance of working.
Yeah, but it was much funnier the way you posted it. :)

Bookwyrm627: Voting ideas:

And the "Trivia" answer is...JMich!

Good job Wyrm, you got it right!
Unvote yogsloth.


So, I’d consider JMich, RWarehall, Trent, or CSPVG. Maybe Krypsyn and Sage too. Trent is probably my top choice, but this is tenuous.
OK, because… I think that…

Ah man, I have no idea.

Here is a thing. I am at least capable of acknowledging that I have a tendency to tunnel vision. At this point, I can’t guess what the tactic was for voting for me. Well, that’s not true, I can guess Wyrm was trying to draw out JMich in some fashion… or start a wagon on top of his RVS vote and see if anyone jumped on it… or something. In any case, we already have too many players here that either won’t vote at all or have already stated they won’t vote for Wyrm, so here I am again, laser-focused, and running on a treadmill getting nowhere. I feel like I’m playing roulette and betting on green. If Wyrm does turn out to be Scum, then even the most jaded amongst you will finally have to admit I’ve got a smooth jazz thang going on. But if I’m wrong, maybe nobody listens to me ever again. I’m not as sure about Wyrm as I was about JMich last game, or even as sure as I was about Sage in the milk game – but I’m almost worried that I’ve got confirmation bias here. Because I see the admission that he voted me in order to do… something… with JMich as, yep, Scummy. I just don’t see myself budging here until the inevitable negotiation minutes before a deadline to try and come up with a replacement consensus candidate just to avoid no-lynch… and that will probably go about as well as it usually does.

Sage103082: Is this post going to help anything. Most likely not but it is my thoughts on some reason for some to lurk and it goes both ways so it is really a bit of how has that player come off in the posts they have posted and try to use them to get a feel.
Thanks for this. It was a very wet post, and also very dry. I liked how it was smooth and rough. It was very decisive, without taking a firm position.

trentonlf: You do nothing to convince me you are not scum so I have left my vote. Several people have pointed out that your posts have been scummy yet they are willing to shrug it off because it's so obviously scummy that it had to be intentional so [you] get a pass from [them].
Little edit from me there, but I’m pretty sure this was want Trent was trying to say. Almost funny that he and I come from such very different places but are on the same page here.

So, I dunno folks.

Hey, I have another insane, crazy, zany, zippy, zappy idea!

How about… hee hee hee, wait for this, wait for this… how about… we all vote for somebody?

I know, I know, that’s silly-willy-billy beyond compare… but how about we all vote, and try to move the game forward? HA HA! Wouldn’t that be something? I mean, I mean, we’d actually play the game, HA HA HA HA! No, no, nevermind.
flubbucket: Krypsyn - #325 - Have you seen the movie White: Melody of the Curse ?? J-Pop, K-Pop all just make me smile. Those boy bands tho....
I've never seen that, but I may have to find it.

flubbucket: Krypsyn - seems begging for an investigation...or something
I pick 'or something'! Sounds like more fun.
trentonlf: This is funny. My contributions have been the same as anyone else's. You make several scummy posts, I call you on it and place my vote. You do nothing to convince me you are not scum so I have left my vote. Several people have pointed out that your posts have been scummy yet they are willing to shrug it off because it's so obviously scummy that it had to be intentional so they get a pass from you. I don't buy it. You seem to now be trying to make my thoughts trivial by calling my contributions unimpressive thus making any attempt of mine to say you are scummy look reactionary and diminish the effect.

I can assure you any game I play I will hound anyone who wants to talk PMs or personal role information on day 1, it's a game breaker and scummy. So yes that will always be typical. My vote on you however had nothing to do with that, it was with your scummy posts. I still believe you slipped when you were trying to be cute and funny and have been trying to weasel yourself out of it since.

Anyone I find scummy I will say something and vote, l guess since you find that "unimpressive" it must strike a cord with you.
You called me scummy, and that's fine. I'd have been surprised if SOMEONE didn't, after I posted the way I did.
You've called people out about discussing personal roles or PMs, and that's fine too. I rather agree with you.

The reason you are my top choice is because you've jumped on role/PM talk, called me out, and...that's about it. You've asked a few questions (ex. double voting, the guy that left town) after other players talked about something, but you haven't done much other than that. "Reactionary" is a good word for it; how have you pro-actively contributed to the discussions?

-I've done player/post analysis, and scrounged up possibilities based on the OP. Each player can decide whether the reactions I've been pulling from other players might be useful.
-Yogsloth, bless his little heart, has been flailing around like usual, but he's mentioned a few new things.
-Agentcarr has been delving into posts and analyzing.
-Flub has provided post analysis.
-Heck, CSPVG might have done more broad analysis than you have.

From my end, it feels like you fixated on how I phrased a potential relationship between an arbitrary townie and me, and my other posts are just corroborating evidence that I'm scum. You seem to have ignored any possible explanation for my phrasing except the one you are pushing. You also seem to be ignoring any other potential issues from other players, which (in my mind) constitutes tunnel vision. Maybe you've been quietly making detailed notes while compiling a dossier on everyone, but I've seen no evidence that this is the case.

Instead of a "Towniness scale" for ranking people, I've started thinking of the game using a "Useful to town" scale. Identified anti-town players go right to the end of the "Negative Utility" side of my scale and are slated for ASAP disposal, but after that this scale helps me identify which players I might vote for by thinking about who will be more useful to town. I don't know if you are town or scum, but at this point I find you less useful to town than a number of other players.
Sage103082: I am trying to use books script to look up posts from a player and I am not exactly understanding it. Can anyone on post the script as it should be copied into the box thingie. =( I have been trying for 30 minutes and I still can not get it to work.

Adalliabooks has some links in the thread for the script. I'm on my phone so can't post the script directly.

@yogs, yes that is what I was trying to say.
So because you've given walls of text and "player analysis " you've contributed more? LOL, ok.

There is little to no information to go on in day 1, so yes I think you're scum bexaus of your behavior and have focused on that. Should I not try and get who I think is scum lynched? What would you have me do, give you a pass like most others and glibly vote for whoever you suggest?

Maybe you should write another wall of text to plead your innocence and my ineptness and see if I change my mind.
Bookwyrm627: -----

Figuring out what JMich did to cause me to drop an RVS vote on yogsloth will be left as an exercise for the reader.
Both things leave me feeling sick....exercise and reading.

trentonlf: ........<snip>.............

Anyone I find scummy I will say something and vote, l guess since you find that "unimpressive" it must strike a cord with you.
My problem is so many players not voting. To take a stand as a townie you must Vote. (no offense HypersomniacLive)

flubbucket: Krypsyn - #325 - Have you seen the movie White: Melody of the Curse ?? J-Pop, K-Pop all just make me smile. Those boy bands tho....
Krypsyn: I've never seen that, but I may have to find it.

flubbucket: Krypsyn - seems begging for an investigation...or something
Krypsyn: I pick 'or something'! Sounds like more fun.
White is a Korean horror movie set in the backdrop of the K-Pop music scene. Interesting to see how carnivorous those singers can be. I'm partial to Asian horror but any scary will do.

Bookwyrm627: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<snip for Unwall O' Texting purposes>...............
This is the second "town" post you've made. You may win me over yet......................scumbag
yogsloth: At this point, I can’t guess what the tactic was for voting for me.
Alright, goldfish, I'll spell it out.

Here's the method:
Bookwyrm627: I'd decided half way through last game to jump on the first vote someone else made and add to it.
Here's the first vote:
JMich: Vote yogsloth. Let's get this game on the road.
The idea was to give people something to react to, so we didn't start off with role/PM again. I even had a note at the top of my notes document from last game to remind myself about adding to the first vote and absolutely refusing to explain it (whoops, I've explained it).

When I arrived and saw Krypsyn's self-wagon already had another vote, I decided to override Plan A in favor of joining that. When Krypsyn's wagon fell apart (who knew it would do that?!), I went back to Plan A so I'd be voting someone.

And since you are so fond of people actually voting, I'll go ahead and vote for my current favorite candidate, even though it might change as people show up and react to the latest posts.

Vote trentonlf.
Bookwyrm627: The reason you are my top choice is because you've jumped on role/PM talk, called me out, and...that's about it. You've asked a few questions (ex. double voting, the guy that left town) after other players talked about something, but you haven't done much other than that. "Reactionary" is a good word for it; how have you pro-actively contributed to the discussions?
Ooh, I know that one. Let me find the quote.

Bookwyrm627: Sometimes the desired data isn't in the lynch wagon, but in the discussion around it.
Also, to humor yogsloth

Vote somebody
yogsloth: slaughtering the useless.
Crazy coincidence - that's the name of my band. And we play smooth jazz!

More seriously, someone above mentioned that my stance on 'no lynch' wasn't clear. I was going to say that in my view I thought I'd beaten it to death, but with the game theme, perhaps more apropos to say I'd built the scaffold, tied up the rope, and dropped the trap-door.

TLDR: If I weren't the newb, I would vote no lynch at this point and stick with it. We don't have a clear candidate, and I'm not of the opinion that lynching randomly really generates anything of use. If people want to bluff up until the end, fine. I may or may not be persuaded to join a lynch wagon on a particular player's guilt. But I'm not sure a body on the table just to have a body on the table is meaningful.

Still, I know I'm seemingly the only one who thinks that way, so in the interest of appeasement I'm open to being persuaded that there's someone we should be lynching, even if just to move the story forward or maximizing fun.

I do tend to agree with Yog, and several others, that if we assume we're going to definitely lynch somebody, and we don't have a clear candidate, that a lurker is probably the better play. The rub being that I think in some peoples' minds they DO have a clear candidate, and who is/isn't lurking is open to debate. My concern in lurking would mostly be who would/wouldn't come to the table for a vote, and I don't think we know that at all.

Heck, for all I know Leonard's absence is staged and he's just lurking. Perhaps my character's paranoia has worn off on me! (Not a PM tell, obviously Vitek wouldn't have told any of us if we were insane/paranoid).

There was something else I was going to say, but I keep getting interrupted (stupid job! paying me money to do things!) and can't recall.
yogsloth: At this point, I can’t guess what the tactic was for voting for me.
Bookwyrm627: Alright, goldfish, I'll spell it out.

Here's the method:
Bookwyrm627: I'd decided half way through last game to jump on the first vote someone else made and add to it.
Bookwyrm627: Here's the first vote:
JMich: Vote yogsloth. Let's get this game on the road.
Bookwyrm627: The idea was to give people something to react to, so we didn't start off with role/PM again. I even had a note at the top of my notes document from last game to remind myself about adding to the first vote and absolutely refusing to explain it (whoops, I've explained it).

When I arrived and saw Krypsyn's self-wagon already had another vote, I decided to override Plan A in favor of joining that. When Krypsyn's wagon fell apart (who knew it would do that?!), I went back to Plan A so I'd be voting someone.

And since you are so fond of people actually voting, I'll go ahead and vote for my current favorite candidate, even though it might change as people show up and react to the latest posts.

Vote trentonlf.
Aww thanks, now I feel special. I got an OMGUS vote :-D
JMich: Also, to humor yogsloth

Vote somebody
Ah, thank you. We'll score that "no lynch", shall we?
Bookwyrm627: ]
If I win, it will be audacious and cunning. If I lose, then I just look like an idiot.
Hmm... I think you may have summed up my 20s. Fun times.

Bookwyrm627: Now my feelings might be hurt. Krypsyn gets to have fun and looks okay while doing it, but I get to look scummy for having fun? :(
(I'm kidding. I know the difference between how we're having fun.)
Not such a big difference, in my opinion.

Bookwyrm627: I think RWarehall's suggestion is to have everyone assigned their role, then everyone makes a claim Day 0 (or possibly the mod states who has what role), and game starts on Day 1. While this would heavily influence the game, I have no idea whether it would end up favoring town or scum; that might depend on the particular implementation.
Ahh, gotcha.

Bookwyrm627: I wonder which one you consider me as: Getting people on record, or distracting from anything useful?
Sometimes, both results can fill the same role.

Bookwyrm627: Sometimes the desired data isn't in the lynch wagon, but in the discussion around it.

Bookwyrm627: Krypsyn, did you just imply that Flub gets more ladies than you do?
I'll take the 5th.

Bookwyrm627: Krypsyn is being almost militantly indifferently useless.
You too?

bler144: I'd only watched about 10 seconds of that clip (though had seen the movie several times back when it came out), but you were talking here about the R&G.
Yes. Although the most important bit, at least in terms of a the game thread, was towards the end. I, perhaps, should have time-stamped it on You-tube, but without the context of all the coin flips, it doesn't have as much impact.

bler144: Perhaps with all your clips there is some deeper method to the madness. Or maybe you just post everything and assume that eventually a relevant post will tie back to it.
A little of column A, a little of column B, a little more of column C, very little of column D. None whatsoever of the Fifth; bad news that one.