Posted July 04, 2015

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015
The fact he finds you more involved?

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015
Dammit, Sage103082! It was supposed to be a surprise, and you ruined it! No soup for you! :P
But, yes, that is a large part of the reason. I may have posted more (not sure about that regarding Day 1), but I am not sure I was ever 'involved' as such. It seems like a 'hide behind the townie' ploy.
But, yes, that is a large part of the reason. I may have posted more (not sure about that regarding Day 1), but I am not sure I was ever 'involved' as such. It seems like a 'hide behind the townie' ploy.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015
As long as I can have a cookies n creme milkshake Im all good.. No soup no problem.

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015
Only if they watched the whole thing. ;-)

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015
GRRR 10 minutes and f5 are going to be the death of me.... So bler... we can take it you are now are not town or scum.. so neutral or survivor. Tell me why you should not be the lynch. You are stating you are out for your own objective.

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015
Bump in case Sage is ready to post again.

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015
So, the feeling has been growing on me, and I feel like I just have to go with it. I realize this may look OMGUS, and I can’t help that. Wyrm’s sudden lurch to vote me may have moved my schedule, but I’ve been getting closer to this for a little while now. I realize also that this may look like the tree-yelling yog; I can’t help that either. For obvious reasons, I’ve come to trust my gut in this game, and I’ve had a nagging feeling ever since this post.
I’ll try to walk everyone through what I see here.
Wyrm’s first post, he casts a 3rd vote on Krypsyn. First vote was Krypsyn himself – obviously not to be taken seriously. 2nd vote was bler, who was under the impression lynch had to happen in 36 hours. Fair enough, newbie mistake, no harm no foul. But why ply on a 3rd vote? “Because he wants it”? Clearly, Wyrm knows this is not heading to a serious lynch. But if it’s an RVS vote, why actually pile on and look like he’s starting a wagon? That 3rd vote is the critical one in any wagon – especially early – and here he is, making a big obvious show of it. Since he does know it’s not a legitimate wagon, why does he want us to see that vote?
I believe he put it there just to take it away later and put some distance between himself and Krypsyn.
He dropped the vote and then vanished from the game for some time. He left the vote there until there was a vote count with the full knowledge he would pull it off later. My gut feeling, my absolute gut feeling, is that he wanted to engage in a type of meaningless confrontation with Krypsn now so that people will have a vague recollection of it later and not associate the two.
Krypsn’s behavior is obviously very strange, but even though I’ve nipped him a bit for it, I’ve come to expect it from him. Talking in YouTube posts is funny and flubby and everything, but I would still expect most verbose players (like me, like Wyrm) to give him some kind of stick for it. Wyrm only mentions it once, very mildly, after everyone else has had a chance. It just stands out to me as two players with a thin, artificial wall between them, albeit one put up entirely by Wyrm. (I don’t detect the same avoidance going the other way, because Kryp hasn’t done much of value with anybody, amirite?)
The 2nd, and better, point is the crazy change in behavior and “baiting” players by acting obviously Scummy. I realize full well this is WIFOM, but again, my gut tells me this guy is not going to make any kind of slip or mistake in phrasing. Each post has been calculated. So he can’t obviously be Scum, writing such Scummy posts, right? He must be Town and just exceedingly clever. Ha ha – that’s what he WANTS you to think! Yes, right out of the Princess Bride, I get it… but damn, no, I’m sorry. I think he’s hiding being Scum by acting Scummy.
He’s never been Scum before. He is 100% certainly playing differently than he has the last several games. I saw it last game in JMich, and I’m seeing it now with his “clever” gambits and ploys that attract a lot of attention to himself without convincing me very much that I’m going to learn anything valuable from it.
And finally, he then flips a vote on me for no reason whatsoever. You know who has done that before? Krypsyn, back in the Space game. When he was Scum.
Vote Bookwyrm627
If he flips Scum, I go for Krypsyn next.
Of course, if he flips Town, then I have no frigging clue what he’s been trying to accomplish. So Wyrm, buddy, if you are Town, you’ve blown it right over my head, because I think you’re so Scummy, you must BE Scum.
Risky, yes, but I feel pretty good about this. I just can’t shake the feeling we’re seeing a first-time Scum having fun with himself and intentionally dancing on the sword blade.
[pre-post edit] I refreshed and see bler has claimed something. At least this game is moving much better than the last one!
I’ll try to walk everyone through what I see here.
Wyrm’s first post, he casts a 3rd vote on Krypsyn. First vote was Krypsyn himself – obviously not to be taken seriously. 2nd vote was bler, who was under the impression lynch had to happen in 36 hours. Fair enough, newbie mistake, no harm no foul. But why ply on a 3rd vote? “Because he wants it”? Clearly, Wyrm knows this is not heading to a serious lynch. But if it’s an RVS vote, why actually pile on and look like he’s starting a wagon? That 3rd vote is the critical one in any wagon – especially early – and here he is, making a big obvious show of it. Since he does know it’s not a legitimate wagon, why does he want us to see that vote?
I believe he put it there just to take it away later and put some distance between himself and Krypsyn.
He dropped the vote and then vanished from the game for some time. He left the vote there until there was a vote count with the full knowledge he would pull it off later. My gut feeling, my absolute gut feeling, is that he wanted to engage in a type of meaningless confrontation with Krypsn now so that people will have a vague recollection of it later and not associate the two.
Krypsn’s behavior is obviously very strange, but even though I’ve nipped him a bit for it, I’ve come to expect it from him. Talking in YouTube posts is funny and flubby and everything, but I would still expect most verbose players (like me, like Wyrm) to give him some kind of stick for it. Wyrm only mentions it once, very mildly, after everyone else has had a chance. It just stands out to me as two players with a thin, artificial wall between them, albeit one put up entirely by Wyrm. (I don’t detect the same avoidance going the other way, because Kryp hasn’t done much of value with anybody, amirite?)
The 2nd, and better, point is the crazy change in behavior and “baiting” players by acting obviously Scummy. I realize full well this is WIFOM, but again, my gut tells me this guy is not going to make any kind of slip or mistake in phrasing. Each post has been calculated. So he can’t obviously be Scum, writing such Scummy posts, right? He must be Town and just exceedingly clever. Ha ha – that’s what he WANTS you to think! Yes, right out of the Princess Bride, I get it… but damn, no, I’m sorry. I think he’s hiding being Scum by acting Scummy.
He’s never been Scum before. He is 100% certainly playing differently than he has the last several games. I saw it last game in JMich, and I’m seeing it now with his “clever” gambits and ploys that attract a lot of attention to himself without convincing me very much that I’m going to learn anything valuable from it.
And finally, he then flips a vote on me for no reason whatsoever. You know who has done that before? Krypsyn, back in the Space game. When he was Scum.
Vote Bookwyrm627
If he flips Scum, I go for Krypsyn next.
Of course, if he flips Town, then I have no frigging clue what he’s been trying to accomplish. So Wyrm, buddy, if you are Town, you’ve blown it right over my head, because I think you’re so Scummy, you must BE Scum.
Risky, yes, but I feel pretty good about this. I just can’t shake the feeling we’re seeing a first-time Scum having fun with himself and intentionally dancing on the sword blade.
[pre-post edit] I refreshed and see bler has claimed something. At least this game is moving much better than the last one!

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 04, 2015

Obviously aside from the werewolves, the masons, the Rebellion, the Horde, the Jacobites, and the IRS. Of course I knew about those.
Can't I be trying to save my love child and the town both?