Public service announcement – it is a holiday 3-day weekend here in the USA, and my schedule is pretty full with family activities. I probably won’t be able to contribute as much as I otherwise would, but I’ll do my best, and be back at it full time on Monday anyway.
So Krypsyn and Wrym are engaged in a race to the bottom.
First, I don’t buy for one single second that anything in Wrym’s post 105 there is a single “slip” or mis-placed word. Every word was there for us to lap up. The obvious question is “why?”. Here I thought Krypsyn was playing the Jester, but now Wyrm’s post is contrived in such a way that he is clearly trying to leave us with the impression that he’s trying to be lynched. Or investigated.
It’s confusing as hell, but fun, ha ha! What the hell is your game, Wyrm? Give me a pro-Town reason for writing that post. The only thing I can come up with is to try and provoke certain reactions. It’s too obvious to actually be a Scum post – unless we should eat some WIFOM sandwiches and say it’s SO obviously Scum-like that nobody will think it is… ooof. No, help me out Wrym, tell us why you deliberately crafted such a post. You can wait until after you get whatever it was you were after, if need be.
So is he a Jester? Now, this is a Vitek game. I seem to recall Vitek’s position on the Jester role is something along the lines of “Never ever ever”. Far be it from me to suggest he couldn’t change his mind just to f*** with people, but can some veterans dig that up somewhere? Didn’t he say that? For now, I’m going to assume that Krypsn and Clover up there each have some type of plan to explain their absurd behavior. I’ll discount the possibility of Jester for now just because of Vitek’s feelings on the role (unless someone can find contradictory information for me).
CSPVG: Yogsloth: Was that not the sort of information you were after then? What do you make of Sage's bafflement at our PMs stating that we left the town?
Well, I was starting the “PM” discussion because nobody else was putting out information like that… Bookwyrm just delivered a little more than I might have expected! If he had led with that, I wouldn’t have felt like I needed to “kick things off”.
I don’t make anything of Sage’s bafflement yet. And to note – my character doesn’t say anything about leaving town – but it appears we’re similar in that we both have some kind of mixed feelings about our town. Does that mean anything? I have no idea. That’s why we’re looking at it. :) To re-examine that info in later days. I get more and more of the Twin Peaks vibe from it, lol!