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Leonard03: That's weird.
yogsloth: Another valuable contribution. Elegant, and well-reasoned. Perhaps over-full of alliteration and the prose could use a little mechanical work, but overall, I feel the sonorous qualities of the wordplay outweigh any potential drawbacks of the slightly questionable grammatical irregularities. I give it a 9½/10, and would read again.
I did actually just right a post (at that time), not that your post is particularly helpful either. Except to laugh at your pain >:) Mwaa-ha-ha-haaaaa!

Oops, I didn't mean to write that.
Just kiddin' of course :P

Anyway, where am I going with this post? Ummm, tum-de dum.
May as well through in my $.02 on playing the game super seriously or not. I don't particularily (what? we couldn't have guessed). Games are for the express purpose of having fun, unless it's those annoying educational games, in which case, they're not games... I'm not gonna deny being competitive, heck maybe even a little more than the next guy, but I try not to take losing too hard, and to just have fun.

I'm sitting here are my computer just wanting to make a nice post that everyone will read and go "Whoa! Mind=Blown" but unfortunately I'm not coming up with anything. Nobody is acting scummy enough :( I don't have anybody to argue with either...
Long ass day at work and my head is pounding but I think with a few drinks it will go away, at least thats my theory I am testing out right now. If my words start to become unintelligible ill ground myself to the corner.

Krypsyn: So much easier than having to discuss NKs with scum-teams. So freeing, so liberating; never played a Vig, or even an SK, before this.
I may be wrong but I thought you were a SK in the milk game - though yogs investigated you in night zero and told all his friends before you got to use your role.

bler144: Perhaps inappropriate to say, but I'm tempted to ask for a sub. It seems like this game is dominated by people who don't want to read/process and just randomly pick out tidbits while power-reading to catch up. To some extent I think the blowback is people who just don't want to deal with thinking deeper than "seems scummy to me."

I'm going to be less able to participate over the next 6-7 days anyway, and I don't know that it's fair for town if the primary wagon is on someone (town, btw) who's being run.

I'm going to follow yog's footsteps and rant about a pet peeve, but it seems open sign-up basically brings in two groups of people - the group who wants to play, and some who are just content to be there. I don't think it works. You can't get a sense of who's lurking b/c scum, and who's doing just enough to keep from getting mod-killed. /rant
It sucks when your the person that is being looked at. Been there done that. But basically wanting to throw in your hat because you are in the hot seat is not a good thing.

"I don't know that it's fair for town if the primary wagon is on someone (town, btw) who's being run. " Can you explain this. Do you mean it is not fair to have a wagon on someone who is not going to be around?
Sage103082: Long ass day at work and my head is pounding but I think with a few drinks it will go away, at least thats my theory I am testing out right now. If my words start to become unintelligible ill ground myself to the corner.

I may be wrong but I thought you were a SK in the milk game - though yogs investigated you in night zero and told all his friends before you got to use your role.
Krypsyn was a moderator that game, RWarehall was the SK that Yogs investigated N0.
I heard you asked for votecount.

I deny your request but I'll provide you with scheduled one instead:

Leonard3 - CSPVG, Krypsyn, yogsloth
bler – 2RWarehall, flubbucket
trentonlf – 2JMich, cristigale
cristigale – 1trentonlf
flubbucket – 1bler

not voting – 3 - agentcarr, Leonard, Sage

Leonard is closest to lynch with 3 votes at L-4.

Let me know if there are any errors.

Sage103082: "I don't know that it's fair for town if the primary wagon is on someone (town, btw) who's being run. " Can you explain this. Do you mean it is not fair to have a wagon on someone who is not going to be around?
That was the thought, yes. Not that it's unfair to me as a person, because hey, it's a game. But in terms of game balance, particularly for town numbers are all they have as they try and scratch together enough info (or luck) to win. So offing an absent townie is generally a double-loss for town - loss of numbers in exchange for not much info.

But I went 4+ whole waking hours without checking forum mafia this afternoon. I think even during the overnight phase when absolutely nothing was happening I kept refreshing the page every 2-3 hours to see if it was back on...maybe I should seek addiction therapy.

That said, maybe I'm just naive. it's not like being around helped Wyrm, and it's not yet clear (to me) that we learned a single thing from his death that's of use. Maybe it's really just all RVS in the end. it's not like making rational responses to claims against me by Yog and flub changed those votes. I can't recall if I responded to RW or not, or even if he made any specific claims that could be proven or refuted.

I will say that whoever we do decide to string up, me or otherwise, we probably do want to at least take a deep breath in Day 2 and see what there is to be gained if anything before bringing the hammer. Maybe they lie, maybe they don't, maybe they know something, maybe they don't. Maybe there's something in their PM that's useful that can't be gleaned from just a role/faction flip. Maybe there isn't. I mean, we might as well assume it's a strategy game where any chance at info that might have value to town is worth seeking, right?
Vitek: Leonard3 - CSPVG, Krypsyn, yogsloth
bler – 2RWarehall, flubbucket
Huh - I think I need my meds checked. I mean, I was absolutely positive yog voted for me. I mean, I even went back and looked all prepared to correct this vote count.

And here I was pissed that he wasn't taking his vote off me when I thought I'd beautifully refuted his contention and accusing other people of not reading carefully. Why you no change vote? WHYYYYY!?!

So, uhhh...nothing to see here? I have no beef with RW's vote. Still think flub needs to reconsider his weak sauce though. ;)

I swear the cover letter and resume are almost done though! Little bit tonight, and rest before work tomorrow. Last reference letter is coming tomorrow afternoon, and then I should be set.

You know, except for the whole "interviewing" and "getting the job" parts. But after the app is in hopefully at least less stressed and crazy.
bler144: And here I was pissed that he wasn't taking his vote off me when I thought I'd beautifully refuted his contention and accusing other people of not reading carefully. Why you no change vote? WHYYYYY!?!
Man, I HATE those players that only do cursory skims of the posts and don't read in depth. Really puts a burr under my saddle.


Lookie bler - you're still #2 on my list, you just flip-flopped with Leonard due to Leonard's taking apathy to all new artistic heights. (At this point, I don't get how any sane player reads Leonard's last few posts and doesn't head-desk.)

I'll give you one little point to chew on, though.

You seem quite taken aback that you're taking some heat... despite all your *ahem* well-reasoned arguments that irrefutably prove you're Town.


Take a moment and imagine things from trentonlf's perspective. Here he is, cruising along just fine, then all of a sudden this "bler" bohab comes along and starts hittin' him with the vapors. SAY WHAT?

Don't you think trent feels like he's refuted you with perfectly reasonable, logical answers? Don't you think, in his mind, he's explained perfectly well how your theories of his guilt are obviously wrong? And guess what... how do you think YOU'D feel if you successfully led a crusade for his lynch... and he flipped Town?

Yeah buddy. Welcome to Forum Mafia.
flubbucket: Perhaps a game of Candyland would calm your nerves....I'm sure we could scrounge up yogsloth and trentonlf to have a foursome.
I would pay to watch this game.

yogsloth: Just back from the hospital –
I hope you feel better soon and they gave you some happy pills to easy the pain. There is a game of Candyland Flub is getting together. A nice relaxing game might do that shoulder well no dice to roll, no sudden movements. Just color cards. Joking aside I do hope you feel better soon and rest and heal.

trentonlf: Krypsyn was a moderator that game, RWarehall was the SK that Yogs investigated N0.
Thank you. I was not 100 percent sure and I was wrong. =)

@Bler - Are you still thinking of asking to be replaced?
yogsloth: Don't you think trent feels like he's refuted you with perfectly reasonable, logical answers? Don't you think, in his mind, he's explained perfectly well how your theories of his guilt are obviously wrong? And guess what... how do you think YOU'D feel if you successfully led a crusade for his lynch... and he flipped Town?
Interesting thought, but that's quite different since I don't think I ever actually said why I thought he was guilty until I was already explaining why I was probably wrong. I didn't actually give him anything meaningful to refute for several days.

So technically, I don't think he's ever refuted my points. I refuted them my own damn self. So there! :)

But yes, it's partly why I was cautious. Especially when I wasn't entirely sure why suddenly there were 3 other people on my broke-ass wagon with me. Though I do think Cristi and Jmich did at least make a serious effort to explain what they were doing.

Anyway, all that anger was good for something - I actually got 4 uninterrupted hours of paid work done. Speaking of, I probably need to bow out again for an hour or two.
Sage103082: @Bler - Are you still thinking of asking to be replaced?
Well, I've stopped flipping out and raging.

I'll try and make time later to chat with Vitek about what my upcoming week looks like and give him some discretion on whether he thinks it's in the interest of the game to replace me or not, either now or if my absence extends longer than planned. I'm in that rare crowd these days with no proper cell phone and am flying cross-country.

For now I would say it shouldn't impact anyone else's play either way.
bler144: Well, I've stopped flipping out and raging.

I'll try and make time later to chat with Vitek about what my upcoming week looks like and give him some discretion on whether he thinks it's in the interest of the game to replace me or not, either now or if my absence extends longer than planned. I'm in that rare crowd these days with no proper cell phone and am flying cross-country.

For now I would say it shouldn't impact anyone else's play either way.
Good luck with the job, I hope you are very fortunate and are able to get it. Real life is for sure more important than the game, but as long as you are able to pop in every day or so I think it will be ok since you are saying it will only be for a week or so. Up to you and Vitek to work that out though. As I said, you play a good game and I think it's better with you in it so I hope it works out and you can stay.

Ok, now Leonard03 I have a question for you. I have gone over all your posts and as far as contribution wise I agree with the sentiment that you have not really contributed, only regurgitated what others have said for the most part. My question though refers to this post after day 2 started.
This line right here is what is bothering me "Thirdly, what happened then to the real NK. Do we have a doctor, or a jailer, or a roleblocker, or some other weird role I've never heard of?

I was assuming Krypsyn was the NK target, but you are asking what happened to the real NK as in the mafia did not target Krypsyn but someone else and they didn't die? How on earth would you know Krypsyn was not the real NK unless you are mafia?

Unvote cristigale
Vote Leonard03
yogsloth: Yeah buddy. Welcome to Forum Mafia.

Pepperidge Farms remembers back in the olden days being called stupid, told to STFU, why are you even bothering to post, go die.

Good Times...

flubbucket: Perhaps a game of Candyland would calm your nerves....I'm sure we could scrounge up yogsloth and trentonlf to have a foursome.
Sage103082: I would pay to watch this game.
Got me wondering if anyone has played Strip Candyland, except I'm not really into Sausagefests...........

trentonlf: ................snip>................

This line right here is what is bothering me "Thirdly, what happened then to the real NK. Do we have a doctor, or a jailer, or a roleblocker, or some other weird role I've never heard of?

That "real" just kinda jumps right out there doesn't it??
flubbucket: Got me wondering if anyone has played Strip Candyland, except I'm not really into Sausagefests...........

nah but I did have a naughty game of Chutes and Ladders. (deleted a funny comment here since we are talking about Candyland and there might be kiddies watching.)
flubbucket: That "real" just kinda jumps right out there doesn't it??
Boy does it, big time

On another note you invited me to play Candyland earlier with you, Yogs, and bler and now it's turned into strip Candyland.....