Sage103082: "I don't know that it's fair for town if the primary wagon is on someone (town, btw) who's being run. " Can you explain this. Do you mean it is not fair to have a wagon on someone who is not going to be around?
That was the thought, yes. Not that it's unfair to me as a person, because hey, it's a game. But in terms of game balance, particularly for town numbers are all they have as they try and scratch together enough info (or luck) to win. So offing an absent townie is generally a double-loss for town - loss of numbers in exchange for not much info.
But I went 4+ whole waking hours without checking forum mafia this afternoon. I think even during the overnight phase when absolutely nothing was happening I kept refreshing the page every 2-3 hours to see if it was back on...maybe I should seek addiction therapy.
That said, maybe I'm just naive. it's not like being around helped Wyrm, and it's not yet clear (to me) that we learned a single thing from his death that's of use. Maybe it's really just all RVS in the end. it's not like making rational responses to claims against me by Yog and flub changed those votes. I can't recall if I responded to RW or not, or even if he made any specific claims that could be proven or refuted.
I will say that whoever we do decide to string up, me or otherwise, we probably do want to at least take a deep breath in Day 2 and see what there is to be gained if anything before bringing the hammer. Maybe they lie, maybe they don't, maybe they know something, maybe they don't. Maybe there's something in their PM that's useful that can't be gleaned from just a role/faction flip. Maybe there isn't. I mean, we might as well assume it's a strategy game where any chance at info that might have value to town is worth seeking, right?