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Some time ago, my friend Psychozof aka SebX.XX proposed me to make a list of videogames made by Spanish developers.
Being a chronic procrastinator as I am, I haven't done anything until... well, now :)

So, here goes the list of games made in Spain that can be found right here on (or at least the ones I've found so far...)

3 Minutes to Midnight - A Comedy Graphic Adventure - by Scarecrow Studio, based in Barcelona, Spain

Anima: Gate of Memories - by BadLand Games, based in Madrid

Aragami - by Lince Works, based in Barcelona
Aragami 2 - by Lince Works

Arise: A Simple Story - by Piccolo Studio, based in Barcelona

Between the Stars - by Isolated Games, based in Barcelona
Travellers Rest - by Isolated Games

Blade of Darkness (AKA Blade:The Edge of Darkness or Severance: Blade of Darkness) - by Rebel Act Studios

Blasphemous - by Game Kitchen, based in Seville
Blasphemous 2 - by Game Kitchen
The Last Door - by Game Kitchen
The Last Door: Season 2 - by Game Kitchen
The Stone of Madness - by Game Kitchen

Bleak Sword DX - by more8bit, based in Fuenlabrada

Blind Fate: Edo no Yami - by Troglobytes, part Italian and part Spanish (some team members based in Barcelona)
Hyperparasite - by Troglobytes
The Kindeman Remedy - by Troglobytes

Call of the Sea - by Out of the Blue, a studio based in Madrid

Candle - by Teku Studios, based in Teruel

The Castle - by Point & Pixel Adventures, based in Barcelona
The Legend of Skye - by Point & Pixel Adventures

Cataclismo - by Digital Sun, based in Valencia
Moonlighter - by Digital Sun
The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story - by Digital Sun

CLeM - by Mango Protocol, based in Barcelona

Clid the Snail - by Weird Beluga Studio, based in Madrid

Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines - by Pyro Studios
Commandos 2: Men of Courage and Commandos 3: Destination Berlin - by Pyro Studios
Imperial Glory - by Pyro Studios
Praetorians - by Pyro Studios

Conga Master - by Undercoders, based in Barcelona

The Count Lucanor - by Baroque Decay, which is a Spanish-French indie studio. The Spanish devs are based in Coruña.
Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition - by Baroque Decay.

Creatures of Ava - by Inverge Studios, based in Valencia

Crossing Souls - by Fourattic, based in Seville

Curse of the Sea Rats - by Petoons Studio, based in Barcelona

Dawn of Man - by Madruga Works, based in Coruña as well
Planetbase - by Madruga Works

Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today - by Fictiorama Studios
Do Not Feed the Monkeys - by Fictiorama Studios
Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099 - by Fictiorama Studios
The Fabulous Fear Machine - by Fictiorama Studios

Deadlight - by Tequila Works, based in Madrid
GYLT - by Tequila Works
RiME - by Tequila Works
The Sexy Brutale - by Tequila Works
Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story - by Tequila Works

De-Exit - Eternal Matters - by SandBloom Studio, based in Sabadell

Die in the Dungeon - by ATICO, based in Getafe

Endling - Extinction is Forever by Herobeat Studios, based in Barcelona.

Essays on Empathy - by Deconstructeam, based in Valencia
Gods Will Be Watching - by Deconstructeam
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood - by Deconstructeam
The Red Strings Club - by Deconstructeam

Etherborn - by Altered Matter, based in Barcelona

Everhood - by Foreign Gnomes, a two-person Swedish/Spanish studio (the Spanish dev, Jordi Roca, being based in Granada)

Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of the Toltecs - originally by Revistronic
Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner - originally by Revistronic

Godstrike - by OverPowered Team, based in Madrid
Ruin Raiders - by OverPowered Team

Gothic 1 Remake - original game by Piranha Bytes (Germany), remake by Alkimia Interactive (Barcelona)

Ghost 1.0 - by Francisco Téllez de Meneses
Unepic - by Francisco Téllez de Meneses
UnMetal - by Francisco Téllez de Meneses (AKA unepic_fran)

GRIS - by Nomada Studio

Grotto - By Brainwash Gang, based in Madrid
Laika: Aged Through Blood - by Brainwash Gang
The Longest Road on Earth - by Brainwash Gang/TLR Games (based in Bilbao)
Nongunz - by Brainwash Gang

The Guest - by Team Gotham, based in Madrid
Solo - by Team Gotham

Immortal Redneck - by Crema Games, based in Madrid

Jack Holmes: Master of Puppets - by TonyDevGame, based in Alicante

Lamentum - by Obscure Tales

The Librarian (Special Edition) - by Octavi Navarro, based in Barcelona
Midnight Scenes: The Highway (Special Edition) - by Octavi Navarro
Midnight Scenes Episode 2 (Special Edition) - by Octavi Navarro
Midnight Scenes: From the Woods - by Octavi Navarro
Midnight Scenes: The Nanny - by Octavi Navarro
Midnight Scenes: A Safe Place - by Octavi Navarro
The Supper - by Octavi Navarro
The Supper: New Blood - by Octavi Navarro
Uninvited - by Octavi Navarro

Lords of Xulima - by Numantian Games
They are Billions - by Numantian Games

Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age - by BeautiFun Games, based in Barcelona

Megaton Rainfall - by Pentadimensional Games, based in Madrid

MeteoHeroes - by Gammera Nest, based in Madrid
Tad the Lost Explorer (AKA Tadeo Jones) - by Gammera Nest

Monster Prom - by Beautiful Glitch, based in Barcelona
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp - by Beautiful Glitch
Monster Prom 3: Monster Roadtrip - by Beautiful Glitch
Post edited February 22, 2025 by Lone_Scout
Mount and Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition - by Brytenwalda Studios, based in Santander

Mutropolis - by Pirita Studio, based in Madrid

Narita Boy - by Studio Koba, based in Barcelona

Neon Blood - by ChaoticBrain Studios, based in Madrid

Niko: Through the Dream - by Studio Paint, based in Madrid

NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits - by Over the Top Games

Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo - by Pendulo Studios
Blacksad: Under the Skin - by Pendulo Studios
The Next BIG Thing - by Pendulo Studios
Runaway: A Road Adventure - by Pendulo Studios
Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle - by Pendulo Studios
Runaway 3: A Twist of Fate - by Pendulo Studios
Tintin Reporter - Cigars of the Pharaoh -by Pendulo Studios
Yesterday - by Pendulo Studios
Yesterday Origins - by Pendulo Studios

That Endless Night - 1931 - by WildSphere, based in Granada
Oxide Room 104 - by WildSphere
Oxide Room 208 - by WildSphere

Randal's Monday - by Nexus Game Studios

Relicta - by Mighty Polygon, based in Valencia

Rise of Industry - by Dapper Penguin Studios, based in Madrid
Rise of Industry: 2130 - by Dapper Penguin Studios

Risky Woods - by Dinamic/Zeus Software

Scarf - by Uprising Studios

Scrapland Remastered - by MercurySteam, based in San Sebastián de los Reyes

Song of Horror - by Protocol Games, based in Madrid

Souldiers - by Retro Forge Games, based in Madrid

Summer in Mara - by Chibig, based in Valencia

Sword of the Necromancer - by Grimorio fo Games, based in Barcelona

TERRACOTTA -by Appnormals Team, based in Barcelona

Verne: The Shape of Fantasy - by Gametopia, based in Madrid

Vertical Kingdom - by Farlight Games Industry, based in Murcia

The Waylanders - by GATO STUDIO, based in Coruña

Welcome to Empyreum - by Tapioca Games, based in Madrid

Worldless - by Noname Studios, based in Barcelona

Zenith - by Infinigon, based in Barcelona

Army of Ruin - by Milkstone Studios, based in Oviedo
Ziggurat - by Milkstone Studios
Ziggurat 2 - by Milkstone Studios
Pharaonic - by Milkstone Studios

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Delisted games (not available on GOG right now):

Hirilun - by Gone Mad Studios, based in Valencia

Kromaia - by Kraken Empire, based in Zaragoza

MIND: Path to Thalamus - by Carlos Coronado, an indie developer based in Barcelona
Post edited November 26, 2024 by Lone_Scout
Pendulo has a few other adventures available here like the Yesterday series, The Next Big Thing, Vertigo...
Good Old Pyro Studios, you are missed.
Don't forget the other Commandos games...

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
Commandos: Strike Force


Castlevania Lords of Shadow (series)
Post edited September 21, 2021 by kai2
Three Skulls of the Toltecs - by Revistronic
The Westerner - by Revistronic
Randals Monday - by Nexus Game Studios
Dead Synchronicity - by Fictiorama
Do not Feed the Monkeys- by Fictiorama
Post edited September 21, 2021 by argamasa
park_84: Pendulo has a few other adventures available here like the Yesterday series, The Next Big Thing, Vertigo...
argamasa: Three Skulls of the Toltecs - by Revistronic
The Westerner - by Revistronic
Randals Monday - by Nexus Game Studios
Dead Synchronicity - by Fictiorama
Do not Feed the Monkeys- by Fictiorama
Thanks pals, updated the list!
Sulibor: Good Old Pyro Studios, you are missed.
Indeed :,)
kai2: Don't forget the other Commandos games...

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
Commandos: Strike Force


Castlevania Lords of Shadow (series)
Yep, Commandos 3 is included in the 2+3 bundle on GOG, but the other ones are not here yet.
Time to pay a visit to the Community Wishlist...
Post edited September 21, 2021 by Lone_Scout
I used to have a GOGMix about this (I even looked up which city the devs were based in). I wish I had backed it up, then you could use it for this thread. Perhaps I will be able to remember some names.
Here´s another one:

NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits - by Over the Top Games

Related to the list, is Gothic Remake being made here? wow, hope they do a good job with this great title.

I have a box copy of Lords of Xulima, i didn´t know was made in Spain.
"The Abbey" from Alcachofa Soft. Not here yet, but apparently it will be available eventually
ConsulCaesar: I used to have a GOGMix about this (I even looked up which city the devs were based in). I wish I had backed it up, then you could use it for this thread. Perhaps I will be able to remember some names.
A pity GOGmixes were lost... Any contribution will be welcome, thanks!
argamasa: Here´s another one:

NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits - by Over the Top Games

Related to the list, is Gothic Remake being made here? wow, hope they do a good job with this great title.

I have a box copy of Lords of Xulima, i didn´t know was made in Spain.
Updated list!
Alkimia Interactive is a relatively new studio based in Barcelona... I too hope they do a good work with the remake
Gudadantza: "The Abbey" from Alcachofa Soft. Not here yet, but apparently it will be available eventually
That'd be a great addition
Post edited September 21, 2021 by Lone_Scout
Lone_Scout: ...
I found a note buried on my phone where I wrote down some games to add to the old GOGMix. Some of them can be added to this thread:

Rise of Industry - developed by Dapper Penguin Studios, based in Madrid.
Rise of Industry: 2130 - by Dapper Penguin Studios.

The Count Lucanor - developed by Baroque Decay, which is a Spanish-French indie studio. The Spanish devs are based in Coruña.
Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition - by Baroque Decay.

Dawn of Man - developed by Madruga Works, based in Coruña as well.
Planetbase - by Madruga Works.
Post edited September 26, 2021 by ConsulCaesar
Igor: Objective Uikokahonia by Péndulo Studios, S.L.

Funny thing, this was my first exposure to adventure games in general.
Lone_Scout: ...
ConsulCaesar: I found a note buried on my phone where I wrote down some games to add to the old GOGMix. Some of themcan be added to this thread:

Rise of Industry - developed by Dapper Penguin Studios, based in Madrid.
Rise of Industry: 2130 - by Dapper Penguin Studios.

The Count Lucanor - developed by Baroque Decay, which is a Spanish-French indie studio. The Spanish devs are based in Coruña.
Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition - by Baroque Decay.

Dawn of Man - developed by Madruga Works, based in Coruña as well.
Planetbase - by Madruga Works.
Except Count Lucanor I am surprised to see that those games were made by Spanish studios. I didn't have any idea about Dawn of Man, as an example

About the first Pendulo game Igor Objective Uikokahonia, sadly it is not available in GOG. It coud be a good addition, indeed. It was created during the boom and popularity of adventures like Indy Fate of Atlantis or Monkey Island and it is very noticeable in the graphics, the humour and puzzles design
Lone_Scout: ...
ConsulCaesar: I found a note buried on my phone where I wrote down some games to add to the old GOGMix. Some of them can be added to this thread:

Rise of Industry - developed by Dapper Penguin Studios, based in Madrid.
Rise of Industry: 2130 - by Dapper Penguin Studios.

The Count Lucanor - developed by Baroque Decay, which is a Spanish-French indie studio. The Spanish devs are based in Coruña.
Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition - by Baroque Decay.

Dawn of Man - developed by Madruga Works, based in Coruña as well.
Planetbase - by Madruga Works.
Thanks for the info :)