Posted May 25, 2015
I saw it earlier this week in Paris (and for the record, the French put pretty much every other nation to shame when it comes to the quality of their cinemas) and I was absolutely blown away by the movie. The action was pretty much the perfect blend of practical and CGI, and Hardy was awesome as Max (unlike a lot of re-cast roles of late, I never felt he was trying to channel Gibson, although I must say that Gibson himself never really seemed to play the character the same way twice in any of the films). Theron was awesome, although she rarely disappoints anyway.
And dat flamethrower guitarist...
Fenixp: Actually, I thought about that a little bit, and it might make a bit more sense than it appears to initially. Just think on it for a second, music accompanying a war party is an extremely old and quite proven concept, especially for a fanatical society believing their leader to be a god. It would be a big sign of power and supremacy constantly boosting morale, while at the same time intimidating enemies. And... You know, it woul have to be bloody loud. I think the reason we find it so weird is because modern armies are no longer accompanied by marching bands, nor do they sing "Ye Who Are Warriors of God" while marching at their enemy. There was an interview with Miller somewhere on the web where he compared the "Doof Warrior" (which is what he and the credits called it - slightly hilarious to a German reader as "doof" means "stupid") to a "little drummer boy". So you're not far off the mark.
And dat flamethrower guitarist...