mariuszenc: Anyway - if the macOS support is too much for GOG to handle, maybe they should stop supporting it at all. Why should we - the customers - be the ones who waste time trying to run things, searching for workarounds etc?
You know - you're addressing a good point here.
My (!) take on this is: they
(GOG) know - due to years of experincing it here in the forum(s) - that customers here will fall over themselves, to deliver solutions to problems.
So, why should GOG spend rescources on resolving problems, if they can count on their userbase to step in and do
(lots of) their work for them?
I've even seen several cases in the past, where some blue guy linked to a customer offered solution, when someone posted a question about some problem they encountered.
That customer solution would be offered as "
a workaround" and/or "
a temporary solution"...but I have a feeling some
(most?, all?) of these "
temporary workarounds" are still the only solutions available, to customers looking for help in particular cases.
Now, "what has this to do with me bemoaning the lack of Mac support", you may ask?
Well, not many customers here use not many customers are around to deliver solutions to your problem(s).
Therefore you don't get these "customer provided solutions" to the same extent as the Win
(and even the Linux) users.