As long as a humans quality is mainly judged by their looks, the same will count for any food.
However, nope... beauty can be considered a relative thing, and the size is a quantity-matter. not bound to the quality.
Aesthetics on the other hand can be considered a quality-matter but its judgement is a thing of art and not open to everyone.
In general, what we call beautiful is more of a trend and it can even be rather short living, or in other words "a thing of popularity".
UnashamedWeeb: Don't tell OP about olive oil, white fish, saffron, basil powder, chili powder, tumeric powder, maple syrup, wasabi, truffles, caviar, Wagyu, and coffee in addition to the above examples with vanilla and Parmesan.
According to CNBC, 10% of all food in the US is adulterated -
Sachys: Apparently real wasabi is something like $105usd per gramme (or something daft like that). I know here its just regular horseradish paste with green colouring.
Edit: I think its actually $105 per 100g. Still too expensive for most people.
If you got real wasabi you only need about 2g (half of a teespoon) a serving because the taste is crazy strong. If you are not a regular wasabi-eater you will never ever need more than 10g stored in your fridge. And remember, raw fish is in demand of such a high quality. it will always cost even more than a real wasabi. Unless you use some cheap frozen fish... which is mostly the case on this "hype-food" and in this terms even with the risk of health damage... because raw fish with bad quality can be a box full of weird "wonders".
This japanese food was invented at a time of a pretty clean and healthy ocean, with many healthy fishes... but nowadays... this trait is pretty much gone and it was never that hard getting a real "high quality fish". So, a real sushi.... is not a cheap food, we just try to make it cheap which can be considered "adulterated", as it can not become the real quality which is required in order to become "healthy".
Fake wasabi... sure... you may need a high amount and still not be able to get "real taste"...
We usually forget: Quality is able to decrease quantity and the main issue we got in the food is "to much quantity" but just way to less quality. We are not becoming sick because of "to less amount" rather because of "to less nutrients".
Oh and the most dangerous fish is most likely raw salmon from a culture: Often they are not only sick, they are even contaminated by countless of chemicals used for mass production or able to make them survive with very bad conditions. Yet this fish is often used in "sushi-production", and i guess.... any real "old school" japanese will never ever touch it... although the new era-modern-japanese got rather few clue considering quality and how to judge a good fish.
rtcvb32: Regardless, i've seen dozens of boxes of mashed potato flakes, and parmesan cheese for sale for like $1-$2 per box,
Sachys: If it comes in a box it aint parmesan.
1-2 coins a box? Forget it... real parmesan, parmigiano (reggiano) in local language, is a pretty expensive cheese with very high demand world wide. Arguably the best of them is from the "white cow" (di Vacca bianca Modenese)... which is very rare and it is almost impossible to buy in almost any country other than Italy and Switzerland which got some offers in a regular store. Price is like 50 USD a kg... (40+ CHF) but usually it is sold in a size of about 200 g, at a price of close to 10 CHF (12-13 USD).
There is no way getting it cheaper... as the quantity of a real good parmigiano is very limited and the demand "sky high"...