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Win an autographed, physical copy of Lords of Xulima: Collector's Edition!

Scratch your old school RPG itch with a 70% discount on Lords of Xulima - Deluxe Edition, and the edition upgrade!

If we had to say one thing about Lords of Xulima it would be that it's huge - over 100 gameplay hours of completely original fantasy roleplay huge. With a mix of isometric exploration and first-person turn based combat - it's all the good old school gameplay you know and love to scratch that unique RPG itch. Lords of Xulima - Deluxe Edition includes exciting extra content: Talisman of Goldot DLC and the Special Digital Rewards package. The DLC includes three artifacts of epic giving power to help you on your journey, while the digital rewards are a package of impressive bonus content including an Original Soundtrack, a detailed Bestiary & Mythology of Xulima, Map of Xulima, and more! The promo lasts until July 19, 11:59 AM GMT.


If the promo wasn't a good enough reason to explore the lands of Xulima, we're also happy to announce a contest for you all!

You've shown us time and time again that you’re all other kinds of creative. If you're anything like us, than about half of every extended classic RPG session was spent rolling and adjusting every possible stat on that perfect party. That's the side of RPG gaming joy that really doesn't get enough credit - so this week we want to bring it to the forefront in the most classic style!


Design (write, draw, paint, photoshop, photograph) your very own RPG character sheet. Pen and paper style. Show us the coolest, funniest or just most creative character you can think of! Is it you? Is it your cat? Is it your grandmother, vanquisher of the empty stomach? We *need* to know.


We will pick 2 winners, who will receive their very own physical (and signed!) copy of Lords of Xulima - Collector's Edition. These editions are brand new and pretty unique collectors' items featuring a world map, and two hardcover books: Secrets of Xulima Game Guide and Bestiary & Mythology of Xulima. We'll also throw in 4 game codes worth $9.99 each!

Knowing how these things go, there'll be plenty of runners up as well - so don't hesitate to enter even if you don't think you'll be numero uno.


-- We're allowing only one entry per user, so make sure it's the one you love.
-- Submit your creation as a .jpg image as a forum reply to this post. Make it an attachement, or host it on
-- We're accepting entries until Tuesday, July 21st, at 23:59 GMT.
-- We’ll be posting our favorite entries on our social media profiles, so get ready to get some fame - we promise to credit you by your user name.

Have fun with it!
Quichybo: Ahoy!
I'd like to present my Necromancer inspired by Diablo 2, displayed in Lego.
Here is my entry.

The 'mugshot' picture is a modified version of this [url=,_London_-_May_2007.jpg]picture[/url] by DAVID ILIFF (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0).
Post edited July 22, 2015 by jaslow876
With 33 minutes to go (thinking I had another week), I have just begun my entry... O______o
...and a while searching my backups for some appropriate art of mine and here we are - the Flame Acolyte.

Really wanted to do a new peice for this, but sadly wanst possible.

So, went with a W40k feel to the lore (as that was the inspiration to the original pice back in 2012).

Not nearly as good an entry as it should have been. Ah well. Good luck folks!

Edit: Whoo! 7 minutes to spare!
Post edited July 22, 2015 by Sachys
jaslow876: Here is my entry.

The 'mugshot' picture is a modified version of this [url=,_London_-_May_2007.jpg]picture[/url] by DAVID ILIFF (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0).
jaslow876 - This gave me a good chuckle (being from the UK myself). Well done.

Good luck to everyone who entered.
Quichybo: ...
(I apologize if this is a double post -- my posts seem to not be appearing)

This is the most creative entry IMHO. Well done!
Sachys: ...and a while searching my backups for some appropriate art of mine and here we are - the Flame Acolyte.

Really wanted to do a new peice for this, but sadly wanst possible.

So, went with a W40k feel to the lore (as that was the inspiration to the original pice back in 2012).

Not nearly as good an entry as it should have been. Ah well. Good luck folks!

Edit: Whoo! 7 minutes to spare!
Excellent job here, too. Do you have a deviant art page or another gallery? You've got some talent I didn't know you had!
jaslow876: Here is my entry.

The 'mugshot' picture is a modified version of this [url=,_London_-_May_2007.jpg]picture[/url] by DAVID ILIFF (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0).
Angered_Walrus: jaslow876 - This gave me a good chuckle (being from the UK myself). Well done.

Good luck to everyone who entered.
I am always glad when I can make people laugh :)
I presume we'll be seeing the results of this next week?!!?!
Thank you for your nice comments.
I've planned for several years to build creations similar to ingame scenes and collected minifigures and parts for designing characters, enemies, items and scenery. But this contest gave me the final kick to get started eventually.
Now that the contest is over I have of course recognised flaws in the design... like i forgot to put something into the grip above the skeleton with the flail.
But anyway...
It was great to look at the other entries. Some made me smile, some made me laugh, some made me drop my jaw. Respect and thanks for everyone!
I just found this:

He put up images of the collector's edition. Very awesome.
Tallima: I just found this:

He put up images of the collector's edition. Very awesome.
I like the book, it's helpful as it reduces the need to check some FAQ on gamefaqs or other sites while playing.
catpower1980: I like the book, it's helpful as it reduces the need to check some FAQ on gamefaqs or other sites while playing.
Are these books available for purchase digitally?
catpower1980: I like the book, it's helpful as it reduces the need to check some FAQ on gamefaqs or other sites while playing.
ZFR: Are these books available for purchase digitally?
You can get them by getting the full deluxe package:

(or the upgrade if you already own the game).
Tallima: You can get them by getting the full deluxe package:

(or the upgrade if you already own the game).
Ah, I see. Thanks.
The game looks great, but still too expensive given my backlog. I'll wait a bit before I get it.