J Lo: You can fix stick drift on 8bitdo controller with increasing the dead-zone in the Ulttimate Software.
I had a look at the FAQ and the C version, wich don't support Ultimate Software does actually have a combination to increase or remove the deadzones. Just test it and it does work however with no deadzones the controller is kinda "not precise", with some "jitter" when it resets the position to zero.
I don't know if it's my particular unit but compared to my old pro+, testing with AntiMicro wich maps the analog to a -32000 to +32000, any time I release the analog it resets to a dead zero.
The Ultimate C however, sits between -1600 and +600. Don't know if is just cheap pots (it's a 20€ controller after all), very loose production tolerances or just need some contact spray/lubricant to help precision (wich I do once a year on the pro+).
With that said, the gamepad ships with some deadzones and it's not a issue playing most of the games, at least I've never noticed a issue even playing Asseto Corsa.
Just want to leave the details here cause the manual is scarce and information hard to find. Actually, it seems 8bitdo don't delve much in details like in the past on the manuals, the print below shows what operating systems the controller support and it's clear what the intent is.
JuWalk: Since we are talking about gamepads, I will ask my strange question too. Which of the modern gamepads is better for a person who actively used a gamepad many years ago, back in the days of PS1 (even before the release of the first dualshock) and therefore used to control with the arrows, and not with an analog stick? Yep, I know that I'm a dinosaur :D
For what's worth, Im also a dinonsaur since I find weird the way the kids always uses the analogs. I only use them when absolutely need, otherwise always use th D-Pad.
Was so cool seing the kids trying to play Street Fighter on a analog a few months ago MMUHAHAHAHAHH
Can't really recomend a gamepad but stay the heck away from Xbox 360 controllers, the D-pad is obnoxious. Try to look a fighting oriented gamepads as they tend to be very precise.