GuRuAsaki2098: I'm glad i'm not alone, I have memories of playing some Games I can't remember the names of,
Movies i've seen that I can't remember the names of, Anime that I just can't remember.
Heck, I have memories of Mighty Max, & it's a great show, but last I heard it was lost in time.
Theres been Movies I wanna see again, but I heard they were lost in time as well.
It just sucks. Especially like in the Simpsons, where you remember the Episodes,
but you remember the Originals were a lot different then how they are presented Today,
& you know your right, because you see glimpses of them in other Episodes.
Remastered Episodes, or changes made, don't really help our Nostalgias. lOl.
Kinda like how I remember Resident Evil, the original, not Director's Cut,
& it had that earie sound effect or music playing in the background as your
venture into the halls as you try to search for clues, & then Zombies start
moaning & making that crunching noise anytime they bite you. I can't find
that earie sound, or earie background music anywhere Online.
And your right, those memories don't go away, they just stick to you like a sore thumb.
You want to find them online, because they are great memories of the past, & you don't
want to forget about them especially as time goes by the memories start slipping, but
deffinately stay in your head.
Yeah, I will be nearing sleep and remember part of a story I read. Not characters, but just general actions or snippets. Or I will be watching a movie and go 'I remember this'. The last time it happened, I remembered a scene where the detective was called and people thought they were involved with the case, because no one knew why this detective was called. The detective insisted there was no connection to the person. The solution turned out to hinge on a rolodex.
I found that one because I was rewatching Murder She Wrote. So, thankfully that one was solved, because it kept coming back and I couldn't find anything online to fit what I remembered (I couldn't even remember whether the detective was male or female)