When I first saw this topic, I was thinking "well, when I was little there was
remi, chess,
Nu te supara, frate (which I now learned is a variant of that Ludo that everyone mentions),
subah for the one that'd likely be more unusual, grandpa pulling that out for family gatherings when cousins and uncle came over, some poker when I got older and, more rarely... er, how could I find an English name for
Popa Prostu'?" And looking for that last one I got to that site (in Romanian) of "childhood games"... And remembered a bunch more,
toci, usually when one of my grandmothers got to pick,
Titirobil... Oh, found an English name for one,
Nine Men's Morris, also Chinese checkers, which looked like
so and was probably only played a handful of times before the marbles became separate toys and got scattered all over,
this football game (author of that site can't recall the actual name and I definitely can't)... More rarely,
pacalici or
septica On some occasions when one cousin came over and got to pick,
Cheat or
War... And I have some mental images of one or two other specific board games not listed there, but no idea of the names of course.
The problem with these was that they were "multiplayer" and I never played well, or at all, with others, so it rarely was enjoyable, and usually between a chore and torture, as pretty much everything, since I had to interact and deal with people...
There was some construction set at some point, plus some large, low-quality construction cubes (think only 1x1 and 2x1 size, not sure if there was anything else, just a bunch of colors), and a handful of toy soldiers. Could use those on my own at least. But I'd usually do better just with my own mind, when I could be alone.
And, of course, I was 7 when I got the first computer and found something that actually was enjoyable, and I could play entirely on my own. But it was some ten years later when I managed to break away from any family gatherings or much involvement in any other way for that matter, so still dealt with those card or board games on occasion during that period.