vanchann: No need to argue.
It's a fact that users in some countries like Germany and Greece have to always pay more for regional priced games. To get back bonus store credits doesn't mean you don't be charged for the full price.
These credits should be spent on only. Maybe it's not so bad for GoG followers, but it doesn't make the price cheaper. Even for us GoG followers buying regional priced games sends the wrong messages to developers/publishers.
As it's obvious now some developers/publishers are greedy enough and use the regional pricing scheme if it's available.
In my opinion regional pricing should be banned from, along with all the greedy developers/publishers who impose it.
But why don't you let people to decide? Who forces you to buy that game? Why do you want to enforce your opinion on mine? If you don't buy it you give your message, but let me buy the games I want DRM free for the price I think I can afford it.
All what you people do is screw up with people like me who just want to buy DRM free, easily archivable games legally.
It is enough retarded already that Nordic Games removed some games from "the big library", so now there are people who cannot buy their game DRM free.
What it is good for?
This mentality screws up with GOG, screws up with the developers, and screws up people who want to legally own the game. It is good only for those who would pirate it anyway.
Or can't you wait for a sale? You would pirate it anyway again. And if you don't, why does it bother you that other's think it is worth the price? What people like you are saying just goes against. common sense.
You advocate freedom and equality and all what you shout about is banning. Ridiculous.