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high rated
Touchscreen don't seem to be a very popular way of playing games on pc, however there's plenty of good games that fully/partially support touch input.
Any help to create such a list is more than welcome. Will try to add a short description on each game about the touch performance and what level is supported.
Most games that can be played with mouse only, can also be played via finger touch or pen input. In such case it will be mentioned on the discription.

On post Nº3 I'll add some configuration tips and software that help with touch only devices. Will include some non GOG games that are worthing checking out.
Most of my testing is done on a Surface pro 3 (i5-4300u) and Surface 3 (x7-z8700), both on Windows 8.1.

The list is compiled from personal experience and various sources including:

Personal favorites:

Into the Breach: Full touch support althoug a bit tricky at times. The only thing that doesn't work is the costumized squad selection menu (need to beat the game with most squads to have access to costumized), is not possible to deselect a squad, the workaround is to make the game windowed and deselect with either on-screen keyboard or touchpad.
Tip: to check weapon attributes and other info where you "hover" the mouse on top and a little info box pops-up, just touch some other part of the screen and drag the finger to the correct place.
Options -> Stretch scalling makes easier to use touch
Added info last update solved all the touch issues (probably due the Ipad version), now works flawlessly.

SteamWorld Heist: Full touch support, everything just works. Very family friendly and kids love it, challenging none the less.

Spacechem: The game seems to have issues with Windows scalling, so if you are using a high resolution screen with scalling set to 150 or 200%, just change it before launching the game, read bellow on tips and tricks section. Some items selection need to "double tap", it's a bit annoying but other than that fully playable.

Fell Seal: Perfect support. Playable on pretty much any device and very battery friendly, despite the Unity engine overhead.

Talisman: I've played online with no issue but the game shines with "hot seat" multiplayer where you pass the tablet around.

Bad North: Fully touch supported, the game seems to be a mobile port so no wonder. Very well made simple strategy game and battery friendly as well

XCOM Perfect touch support although a bit graphical heavy. Newer devices should play fine but older overheat like crazy even at 30fps.

Battle Brothers: Better played with a pen but can be played via fingers as well.
Added info: Been playing a awfull lot of Battle Brothers lately and with touch input only may prove dificult. Battles are fine since it's turn based but there's no "confirm" button, if you happen to mispress a wrong attack you're screwed.
The main problem is in the "overworld view", there's no way to repair items in the stack (the only way I know is ALT + Right click, the workaround is to place items on Brothers pocket and they will auto-repair) and chasing enemies is kinda dificult due way less precision than a mouse. If you want to play casually is fine though.
Zoom is fine with 2 fingers "pinch" and "expand" and UI can be scaled in options, don't scale too much since you may not be able to scale down.
BTW, if you happen to screw the scale, reset it by deleting the config file located in: My documents/Battle Brothers/config.cfg

Pro tip :) if you're just checking the game don't play scenarios, start a new campaign because the scenario fights have little to do with actual Battle Brothers experience. Also "frustrating RNG" will be much less frustrating the more you play and level the "Brothers" up.
Post edited August 12, 2022 by Dark_art_
Game list:

7 Billion Humans
80 Days
Anomaly Warzon Earth
Avernum Escape from the Pit - Tested by Dr_Adder
Avernum 2+3 may work as well since they have a mobile version, just like Escape from the pits
Bad North - Personal favorite, see above
Baldurs Gate - May be iffy and support seem to vary between devices
Banner Saga
Battle Brothers - Personal favorite, see above
Beat Cop
Bridge Constructor Portal
Broken Age
Card City Nights
Chaos Reborn
Civilization IV - Pasted from Steam curator review:
-Use your finger on the mini-map to scroll the map instead of using "edge-scrolling";
-To get out of city view, just touch the city map outside of the resource square layout;
-To move a unit without selecting the "move" icon, just long-tap (right-click) the destination.

Craft the World
Darkest Dungeon
Deep Sky Derelicts - Tested by Dr_Adder
Defender's Quest
Don't Starve
Door Kickers
Dragon Age Origins - Can't even understand how to play but is listed on one of the Steam curator list
Eador Imperium
FTL Faster Than Light - Can be done but if you know the game will be difficult
Fell Seal Personal favorite, see above
Full Throttle - Finished this game without issue
Galactic Civilizations III
Guild of Dungeoneering - See post nº9
Heroes of Might and Magic V - not sure if the version on GOG is the same as Steam
Huniepop - Tested by Dr_Adder
I have no mouth and I must Scream
Into the Breach - Personal favorite, see above
Kingdom Rush
Knights of Pen and Paper
Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded
Long live the Queen
Mini metro
Neo Scavenger
Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator
OpenTTD - This game was recomended by the user Darvond on another thread, the small buttns may prove a problem.
Opus Magnum
Out There: Ω Edition
Papers, Please
Punch Club
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Reigns Game of Thrones - Tested by LordCephy
Other Reigns games should work as well, see post nº7 for more info
Renowned Explorers
Rogue Wizzards
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Shadowrun Returns
Sinking Island - Tested by Dr_Adder
Slay the Spire
Spacechem - Personal favorite, see above
SteamWorld Heist - Personal favorite, see above
Stellaris - Zoom don't seem to work
Swag and Sorcery
Tales of Maj'Eyal - Not perfect but somewhat playable
Talisman - Personal favorite, see above
The Longest Journey
The Quest
The Tiny Bang Story
The Wicher - It seems to somewhat be playable, at least because it can
The Witcher Adventure Game
Thea the Awakening
Through the Ages
This war of Mine
Ticket to Ride
Titan Quest
Trine 2 - Have on-screen buttons (mobile style) that work fine, although I do recomend a gamepad instead.
True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2 - Tested by Dr_Adder, I assume Part 1 works as well
Warhammer 40000 Armageddon
World of Goo
X-Com - Personal favorite, see above
Zombie Night Terror

Some of this titles are not confirmed to work with the GOG version, just taken from the steam list
Post edited August 12, 2022 by Dark_art_
Here are some tips I found useful to make Windows more usable with touch input.
Not aimed at those who use touch input professionally, like visual artists.

Make folder explorer single click to open instead of double click. Double tap on screen is very annoying but single click also create some problems, like selecting files. Right click works the same way via long press.
Windows 10 corrects the issue of selecting files by adding a small checkbox behind every file and works perfectly with single-click to open. To change it go to folder options.

Use on screen keyboard Windows (both 8.1 and 10) has a built in very good on screen keyboard that you can enable via "taskbar properties" but the good old on screen keyboard is present as well, you can enable it on "Windows ease of access" and pin it to taskbar.
The old OSK is a always on top window that can be used to do stuff on Windows itself, it's not well suited to type with fingers though.

Windows 10 has a very nice touchpad to emulate mouse activate it on "taskbar properties", it can solve some input problems in some games.
On Windows 7 and 8.1 there's a program named Tablet Pro (free version available both on website and Windows Store) that can be used, it not as good as the Windows10 built in touch pad but has loads of configurations and tools.

Pens are great pens are as good, if not better, than mouses itself. I find Pen + On screen Keyboard + Touch via fingers faster and easier to use than Mouse + Keyboard on many tasks, including web bowsing and note taking. On vertical position is a such powerfull browsing tool.

A word on note taking software Will find dozens of options (I use Openboard) but Windows actually has a built in program since Windows 7 called Windows Journal. Yeah, it's old and not very finger friendly but works very well for fast and simple sketches.
On 7 and 8.1 ts available on "Windows accessories" -> "Tablet PC"
Can be downloaded from Microsoft website as a 4.5MB standalone installer

Play with screen scalling and icon size this will make experience much less frustrating. If by any reason you can't find a good setup creating a personalized Screen resolution is always a option.
On both The Surface 3 and the Pro 3 I've created a personalized resolution with exacly half the height and width, some games don't benefit from the very high resolution usually found on tablets and use way less battery. Custom Resolution Utility works just fine if there's no option on the GPU control panel.

Memory cards can be used to install games :D I use a 128GB Sandisk Ultra with the A1 speed rating and loading times are fine. A1/A2 speed rating seems to be created with androids apps in minds, unlike most memory cards wich were used to store media. Think SSD vs HDD.

PPSSPP Sony PSP emulator has Touch input On Screen Buttons I really don't like playing with those, a gamepad works much better but it's there for those who like.

Most Linux distros work flawlessly on older devices Although not as smoothly experience as with Windows, Linux is still a viable option for "casual" tablet users. Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon work flawlessly on Surface 3, pro 3, Go (need a fast fix for wifi) and most chinese branded. You may want to try Gnome as it is amazing with touch, available on Ubuntu Debian and Fedora.
Firefox on Linux don't support scrolling with fingers (it work fine on windows), Chromium is the better choice.
IF your curious, no need to erase the Windows install, just try live Linux with a 8GB+ pen drive.

More to come...
Post edited July 09, 2022 by Dark_art_
Bump? This is great! Thanks!
Post edited May 31, 2022 by Dr_Adder
Dr_Adder: Bump? This is great! Thanks!
If you happen to find any game that's not on the list I'll update it gladly.
Avernum: Escape from the Pit works!
Reigns: Game of Thrones

The non-touch controls are buggy such that the game will just forget to acknowledge mouse controls. It's only reliable as a touch-screen game and considering that it was released on iOS (iPhone/iPad), it would make sense that it does also play well with a touch screen monitor.

However on the plus side, all the endings (including the bad ones) are better than the ending for the tv show that it's based on.

I haven't played Reigns or Reigns: Her Majesty on PC, but they would likewise play better as touch screen games.
Thanks for the input, all updated now :)
Guild of Dungeoneering

I'm not into card games but tried the Epic freebie and touch work properly from my limited testing. Some items and menu entries need double tap.
Not a surprise since this game has a mobile version.
Very battery friendly and should run in pretty much any device.
Post edited July 09, 2022 by Dark_art_
Playing the Sinking Island just fine. Also Deep Sky Direlicts as well.
Post edited July 31, 2022 by Dr_Adder
Are there any windows tablets at the cheap end anymore?Last time I checked it was all microsoft surface at an expensive price.
§pec†re: Are there any windows tablets at the cheap end anymore?Last time I checked it was all microsoft surface at an expensive price.
Surface Go are fairly reasonable price

Also Have a look at 2nd hand units, Surface pro 6 are in the £300 range, Pro 7 for £440
§pec†re: Are there any windows tablets at the cheap end anymore?Last time I checked it was all microsoft surface at an expensive price.
mechmouse: Surface Go are fairly reasonable price

Also Have a look at 2nd hand units, Surface pro 6 are in the £300 range, Pro 7 for £440
That's still a little high.There were a couple of laptops I saw with touchscreens around that price or entire Monitors that were a proper touchscreen.
Post edited August 05, 2022 by §pec†re
mechmouse: Surface Go are fairly reasonable price

Also Have a look at 2nd hand units, Surface pro 6 are in the £300 range, Pro 7 for £440
§pec†re: That's still a little high.There were a couple of laptops I saw with touchscreens around that price or entire Monitors that were a proper touchscreen.
Depends how much power you want, Original Surface Go (10" screen released in 2018) you can get for £150 with 8Gig. I got 1 2nd hand a couple of years back, and its still great for day to day browsing and stuff.

A little lagging with some of the more powerful art package and the screen a little small, which I why I upgraded to a Pro 8 (not cheap!) for my digital art.
Dr_Adder: Playing the Sinking Island just fine. Also Deep Sky Direlicts as well.
Thank you. Took a little while but all updated now.