It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Snickersnack: Please remove Virtual Software from the list. They appear to have closed shop. :(

Managed to get Keen Dreams on Steam a while back. Does anyone know where you can legally get Rescue Rover and Hovertank 3D these days? I know it's on the old id Anthology discs but prices shot up after John Romero released his Sigil Doom expansion and haven't come back down yet.
SCPM: The rights to Rescue Rover were picked up by Piko Interactive, Hovertank was purchased by an indie dev named Rene:
As far as I can tell, none of them have started selling the games anywhere yet. Piko mentioned that they would like to bring the games to GOG in bundles, but it's hard to bring them (needs more votes I guess).
Good info on those old Softdisk games. Thanks SCPM!
kbnrylaec: Virtual Software
- Has a handful of DRM-free games, they used to have all the Softdisk games like Rescue Rover, Hovertank 3D, and Keen Dreams.
Snickersnack: Please remove Virtual Software from the list. They appear to have closed shop. :(
Done, thank you!
kbnrylaec: -snip-

Wait for further confirmation:
- GamersGate users could download DRM-free installers with SirPrimalforms' old trick
- SQUARE ENIX gave an DRM-free Hitman.
- Uplay gave an DRM-free Rainbow Six.
I've got a bunch of DRM-free games on Gamersgate. What sort of confirmation would help?

I haven't downloaded anything from the site in about 5 years, but SirPrimalform's trick worked for most of the newer DRM-free games at the time. There was another method for some of the older DRM-free games on the site like Thief: The Dark Project (not Gold) but I'm not sure those games are sold anymore. I believe it required a short script. I only had one or two games like that.
kbnrylaec: Wait for further confirmation:
- GamersGate users could download DRM-free installers with SirPrimalforms' old trick
Snickersnack: I've got a bunch of DRM-free games on Gamersgate. What sort of confirmation would help?

I haven't downloaded anything from the site in about 5 years, but SirPrimalform's trick worked for most of the newer DRM-free games at the time. There was another method for some of the older DRM-free games on the site like Thief: The Dark Project (not Gold) but I'm not sure those games are sold anymore. I believe it required a short script. I only had one or two games like that.
ADDED, thank you!
kbnrylaec: -snip-

Wait for further confirmation:
- GamersGate users could download DRM-free installers with SirPrimalforms' old trick
- SQUARE ENIX gave an DRM-free Hitman.
- Uplay gave an DRM-free Rainbow Six.
Snickersnack: I've got a bunch of DRM-free games on Gamersgate. What sort of confirmation would help?

I haven't downloaded anything from the site in about 5 years, but SirPrimalform's trick worked for most of the newer DRM-free games at the time. There was another method for some of the older DRM-free games on the site like Thief: The Dark Project (not Gold) but I'm not sure those games are sold anymore. I believe it required a short script. I only had one or two games like that.
I would be very cautious about saying gamersgate is in any way drm free:

I would not trust that site at all.
low rated
Snickersnack: I've got a bunch of DRM-free games on Gamersgate. What sort of confirmation would help?

I haven't downloaded anything from the site in about 5 years, but SirPrimalform's trick worked for most of the newer DRM-free games at the time. There was another method for some of the older DRM-free games on the site like Thief: The Dark Project (not Gold) but I'm not sure those games are sold anymore. I believe it required a short script. I only had one or two games like that.
nightcraw1er.488: I would be very cautious about saying gamersgate is in any way drm free:

I would not trust that site at all.
Why not trust them?
Looks like it works the same way as gog after you backup the installer.
Post edited April 27, 2020 by Orkhepaj
nightcraw1er.488: I would be very cautious about saying gamersgate is in any way drm free:

I would not trust that site at all.
Orkhepaj: Why not trust them?
Looks like it works the same way as gog after you backup the installer.
Check the post I linked. Also, like humble, there are “drm free” games, which may or may not be - could not find any guarantees to that effect in their documents. But they may also be outdated, humble for example still sells unpatched outdated games. Personally, unless there was something specific, not available somewhere else, and guaranteed to run without client, downloader, etc. Then I wouldn’t go near the store. To be fair, my default position is complete lack of trust in any internet entity, even with heavy proof.
GOG may not be the only DRM-free distributor but they're certainly the largest and the one I'm most loyal to.
Snickersnack: I've got a bunch of DRM-free games on Gamersgate. What sort of confirmation would help?

I haven't downloaded anything from the site in about 5 years, but SirPrimalform's trick worked for most of the newer DRM-free games at the time. There was another method for some of the older DRM-free games on the site like Thief: The Dark Project (not Gold) but I'm not sure those games are sold anymore. I believe it required a short script. I only had one or two games like that.
nightcraw1er.488: I would be very cautious about saying gamersgate is in any way drm free:

I would not trust that site at all.
That's a 16 page thread. Could you share your concerns or otherwise summarize it for us?

I bought and archived about 50 games from Gamergate's "DRM-free" category 2011-15 and have been pretty happy with them. Did something change?
low rated
nightcraw1er.488: I would be very cautious about saying gamersgate is in any way drm free:

I would not trust that site at all.
Snickersnack: That's a 16 page thread. Could you share your concerns or otherwise summarize it for us?

I bought and archived about 50 games from Gamergate's "DRM-free" category 2011-15 and have been pretty happy with them. Did something change?
YEah he should clarify whats wrong with that site.
Just linking a huge topic doesnt cut it.
As far as I see they just use drm when you download / install the game but with a trick you can backup the installer which is dmr free. So it is very similar to gog.
JakobFel: GOG may not be the only DRM-free distributor but they're certainly the largest and the one I'm most loyal to.
Yup it doesn't have to be drmfree only. Maybe it should offer drm games too so more publishers would choose gog. And there could be drmfree and drm version for games with free version little more expensive like 5-10%.
Post edited April 28, 2020 by Orkhepaj
Snickersnack: That's a 16 page thread. Could you share your concerns or otherwise summarize it for us?

I bought and archived about 50 games from Gamergate's "DRM-free" category 2011-15 and have been pretty happy with them. Did something change?
Orkhepaj: YEah he should clarify whats wrong with that site.
Just linking a huge topic doesnt cut it.
As far as I see they just use drm when you download / install the game but with a trick you can backup the installer which is dmr free. So it is very similar to gog.
JakobFel: GOG may not be the only DRM-free distributor but they're certainly the largest and the one I'm most loyal to.
Orkhepaj: Yup it doesn't have to be drmfree only. Maybe it should offer drm games too so more publishers would choose gog. And there could be drmfree and drm version for games with free version little more expensive like 5-10%.
In which case, steam, epic can also be added to the list of drm free stores. Plenty of games from there can be run in just the same way. So this topic really is mute as most stores are drm free stores, other than windows store, uplay, r* social.
Me, I do not treat any store which profiligates drm, supports drm, needs tricks to circumvent things, possibly has nasty things hiding underneath etc. Even GOG is suspect in some cases with its galaxy push, gwent, couple of other mostly online games etc.

As for that site specifically, if you need “tricks” to get a product, it can’t be classed as drm free, otherwise all could be. Download a game from steam, well you just need to apply the crack and hey presto a drm free copy.
low rated
Orkhepaj: YEah he should clarify whats wrong with that site.
Just linking a huge topic doesnt cut it.
As far as I see they just use drm when you download / install the game but with a trick you can backup the installer which is dmr free. So it is very similar to gog.

Yup it doesn't have to be drmfree only. Maybe it should offer drm games too so more publishers would choose gog. And there could be drmfree and drm version for games with free version little more expensive like 5-10%.
nightcraw1er.488: In which case, steam, epic can also be added to the list of drm free stores. Plenty of games from there can be run in just the same way. So this topic really is mute as most stores are drm free stores, other than windows store, uplay, r* social.
Me, I do not treat any store which profiligates drm, supports drm, needs tricks to circumvent things, possibly has nasty things hiding underneath etc. Even GOG is suspect in some cases with its galaxy push, gwent, couple of other mostly online games etc.

As for that site specifically, if you need “tricks” to get a product, it can’t be classed as drm free, otherwise all could be. Download a game from steam, well you just need to apply the crack and hey presto a drm free copy.
Yeah crack as a little trick sure... use more hyperboles pls. GoG is already not drm-free only so will you leave it?
Orkhepaj: YEah he should clarify whats wrong with that site.
Just linking a huge topic doesnt cut it.
As far as I see they just use drm when you download / install the game but with a trick you can backup the installer which is dmr free. So it is very similar to gog.
nightcraw1er.488: In which case, steam, epic can also be added to the list of drm free stores. Plenty of games from there can be run in just the same way. So this topic really is mute as most stores are drm free stores, other than windows store, uplay, r* social.
Me, I do not treat any store which profiligates drm, supports drm, needs tricks to circumvent things, possibly has nasty things hiding underneath etc. Even GOG is suspect in some cases with its galaxy push, gwent, couple of other mostly online games etc.

As for that site specifically, if you need “tricks” to get a product, it can’t be classed as drm free, otherwise all could be. Download a game from steam, well you just need to apply the crack and hey presto a drm free copy.
Steam and Epic appear do in fact appear on kbnrylaec's list. A number of games on their stores are DRM-free, but not marketed as such. The games do not have installers.

Gamersgate specifically sells a range of games as "DRM-free". The "trick" is only necessary if you want to retrieve their installer. The installed games are DRM-free. You can make your own installer if that bothers you.

It is true that distribution of DRM-free games is much more common than it used to be. I find this list interesting because the selection of games is highly variable. Gamersgate, Steam, Epic, and friends have many desirable DRM-free games that GOG does not.
muntdefems: BTW, any source for that?

When I last checked, GOG was the only DRM-free digital distributor for PC. And we still release DRM-free games on a (almost) daily basis. And if you don't want to use GOG Galaxy, you don't have to. Just sayin'.
Noice, was just about to ask that question....

Multiplayer games can be drm free as well as is quoted from my own quote off another's:
timppu: Can you link to the claim that GOG is the only DRM-free digital distributor of PC games?
Post edited August 12, 2020 by Newbie
timppu: While I do recognize that a multiplayer game or component needing an online client can be considered as DRM, I would still restrict the DRM-discussion to single-player part of games only, the very same way the people who say Steam and Humble Bundle has do too.

There are different reasons for DRM in single-player and online games, e.g. whether or not GWENT has DRM, it apparently isn't to stop piracy, as GWENT is free-to-play. (I personally am even pro-DRM for online multiplayer games because otherwise it is pretty much impossible to ban cheaters for good; so DRM in a multiplayer game actually benefits me, the end-user, something that it never does in single-player games).
Yes, but that's optional as you can still have multiplayer without any form of drm...
Lifthrasil: With the breach of privacy GOG just did, this thread suddenly became much more relevant.
What is this breach of privacy you speak of?
Post edited August 12, 2020 by Newbie