EndreWhiteMane: I hate to be the one to play stupid here but exactly what parameters are we looking for in the configuration tab?
I have opened a number of games in the DB and the info is meaningless to me. :/
Just look for the CheckGuid line. In my link for the Just Cause 2 demo page, if you click Configuration, there's CheckGuid information. Just having that line means that it has CEG, or, in rare cases, had it, but it's removed now. There's no way to tell about that last part.
MarkoH01: Would that mean that every game which has not this CheckGuid in the steamdb can be copied (at least to another directory) freely and run without steam?
Essentially, yes, I think so. Hell, the games that don't have CheckGuid work if you copy/paste them to entirely different machines, in my experience.
Teppic: All my games was tested on Win 8.1, forgot to mention that.
pedrovay2003: HOLY CRAP, the Microsoft-published Ori and the Blind Forest is DRM-free. Adding it to the list now. I'm so happy. :D
Teppic: Thanks for the confirmation. I will buy it now at full price instead of waiting for a price cut.
Edit: About Ori. Bought the game. It's indeed DRM-free, but I had to remove steam_api.dll to make it run without Steam.
Huh, I didn't have to delete anything to get it to run, but whatever works.