Dark_art_: Feral interactive do have a online shop with direct download option, maybe they see GOG as a competitior?
Nope. They sell Steam keys only. They used to have their own store/DRM-system, but that was a long time ago, and the "direct download" on their store is misleading. Nothing to do with other stores being competition; they also have games available on Apple's stores (iOS/Mac).
Darvond: Just think of them as Apple. Apple has taken something equally baffling and completely bastardized it. ARM, BSD, POSIX, CUPS...
No they didn't. Also, whether an OS has any roots in open-source software really has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a game company supporting DRM-free or not. Or vice versa for that matter...Windows is heavily DRMed, yet a bunch of developers sell DRM-free Windows games on GOG (and elsewhere). Not to mention, Feral is hardly the only game publisher that's anti-DRM-free.