Posted July 30, 2013

- Frictional Games
- Double Fine games
- Expeditions: Conquistador
- Don't Starve
- Machinarium
There are games I was very hesitant to buy because of Linux absence and ended up paying for it at least 50% off instead of 100% (Faster Than Light or Alpha Centauri comes to mind). I regret buying Defender's Quest here instead of developer's store in the first place (I did later). And with upcoming release dates of Kickstarters suporting Linux, I have been considering where else I should redeem it for some time. Rambourg and Co. whines how customers don't want to pay full price while he offers inferior products and wraps reasoning in BS how they would have to become second Canonical.
Thanks to Ubuntu, Frictional Games followed by other indie makers and recently HB, I got used to native installers. Yes, this website gets my $$$ but the number of games I don't buy or plan to get it as a partical backup for a nickel is slowly increasing. I am developing a habit to check out other stores before clicking on Pre-order or Buy button if I know it has been released at least for Mac.
I don't say "I'd buy it now with Linux packages listed in details" on release pages anymore because it has been discussed so often without any result, I don't see a point. GOG doesn't perceive Linux owners as desirable customer base, I get it. It's a valid business decision.
Post edited July 30, 2013 by Mivas