nightcraw1er.488: What I am trying to understand, is what is the point of putting linux on a console? If it allowed the playing of iso's that I can understand, and vice versa if it allowed you to rip off to play on PC through an emulator then again, makes sense, but installing an OS other than what came with the machine doesn't make sense to me, do you use it for word processing, or at work in place of a laptop?
As for the PS3, due to the fact that Sony offered "Other OS" (an official Linux distribution for the console) from the beginning, universities and institutions with a requirement for computational power bought many solely for that purpose because it was much cheaper than other solutions with similar power.
Thing is, Sony was selling the thing at a loss, intending to make money off games and services, but people using the hardware and Other OS for number crunching weren't going to buy games or subscribe to services and thus didn't contribute to Sony's income. Also, Other OS made it easier for crackers and hackers to get to understand the hardware and enable piracy. So, Sony disabled Other OS in a patch, and hasn't offered such an option for PS4 either, likely for the same reasons the stopped supporting it for PS3.
But people hack things just for the fun of it, because it's a challenge, and some people apparently got a kick out of getting Linux to run on the PS4.
(Edit: grammar)