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low rated
Straight from the horse's mouth

For years I’ve been talking about the problems with Desktop Linux. This comes from a desire to use something other than Windows to play my favorite games. But the problems with Linux and WINE alike prevent me from fully migrating to it.

The worst thing about Linux though it’s community. The downright refusal to improve things and blame everything on everyone else instead of setting aside the autism, taking up the mantle and just making something that works. Looks like it’s own creator agrees with me.

Seriously Linux, fix yourself so we can finally say good buy to Windows.

EDIT: This video is apparently from 2014. Since the upload date is Mar 28, 2021 and there is no other information given; I thought it was more recent. Still I think these issues rain true today.
Post edited September 23, 2021 by Magmarock
Magmarock: Straight from the horse's mouth

For years I’ve been talking about the problems with Desktop Linux. This comes from a desire to use something other than Windows to play my favorite games. But the problems with Linux and WINE alike prevent me from fully migrating to it.
Clipped section from a 2003 talk, probably the same talk where he says 'F*** you NVidia'...

Regardless, I'd want an updated commentary to see if this is still the case.
Yeah, in 2003? It was pretty damn dire.
low rated
Magmarock: Straight from the horse's mouth

For years I’ve been talking about the problems with Desktop Linux. This comes from a desire to use something other than Windows to play my favorite games. But the problems with Linux and WINE alike prevent me from fully migrating to it.
rtcvb32: Clipped section from a 2003 talk, probably the same talk where he says 'F*** you NVidia'...

Regardless, I'd want an updated commentary to see if this is still the case.
I didn't know that. The upload date is, Mar 28, 2021. I didn't know it was from 2003. The F you Nvidia is from a different video though. I still think Linux has these problems.
Post edited September 22, 2021 by Magmarock
LOL Magmarock just discovered youtube!
August 23-31, 2014

Hey Magmarock! Another fresh one for your enjoyment:
Abraham Lincoln - "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"
low rated
tag+: LOL Magmarock just discovered youtube!
August 23-31, 2014

Hey Magmarock! Another fresh one for your enjoyment:
Abraham Lincoln - "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"
No one is perfect dude. The upload date said Mar 28, 2021 so yeah I thought it was recent.
Magmarock: No one is perfect dude. The upload date said Mar 28, 2021 so yeah I thought it was recent.
You are totally right on this one: "errare humanum est" therefore I apologize for the jest
What I think is not cool is to try to impose your opinion. I can read several people very diligently give other viewpoints (support provided) and you seem determined on yours no matter what.
In such case: Why to share it then? Is not the nature of the forum to exchange ideas?

My stake on OpSys? All them suck, one way or the other (x64, ARM, RISC, you name it)
Unfortunately, they are not perfect therefore It's is not good at all to fanaticize nor demonize... we just can adapt somehow and avoid getting bitter...
There are much better things in life to enjoy
Magmarock: The downright refusal to improve things and blame everything on everyone else instead of setting aside the autism, taking up the mantle and just making something that works. Looks like it’s own creator agrees with me.
Let's be blunt here. How much have you paid to make things work your way?
Or you are of the opinion everyone must obey your wishes, that you are entitled to demand without investing your own money, skill and time? Somehow, you paid for Windows yet expecting from Linux to give you everything on a silver platter.
Magmarock: Seriously Linux, fix yourself so we can finally say good buy to Windows.
That's rich!
How about you start coding and contributing first instead of being non-paying consumer?
Or, you can continue using Windows! Believe me, that's fine! Nobody will blame you.
Magmarock: Straight from the horse's mouth

For years I’ve been talking about the problems with Desktop Linux. This comes from a desire to use something other than Windows to play my favorite games. But the problems with Linux and WINE alike prevent me from fully migrating to it.
rtcvb32: Clipped section from a 2003 talk, probably the same talk where he says 'F*** you NVidia'...
Unless he changed clothes, it's not the same talk.
Linus looks a lot younger in this clip.

I believe the OP's linked video is originally from ~2014.
Post edited September 22, 2021 by Abedsbrother
low rated
hah old vid
not much has changed thou
Magmarock: Straight from the horse's mouth

For years I’ve been talking about the problems with Desktop Linux. This comes from a desire to use something other than Windows to play my favorite games. But the problems with Linux and WINE alike prevent me from fully migrating to it.

The worst thing about Linux though it’s community. The downright refusal to improve things and blame everything on everyone else instead of setting aside the autism, taking up the mantle and just making something that works. Looks like it’s own creator agrees with me.

Seriously Linux, fix yourself so we can finally say good buy to Windows.
There are a couple of things there.

The bulk of people who contribute to the Linux ecosystem are heavy command prompt users who don't have a problem opening a shell to get things done (yours truly included).

Yet, you are blaming those people for not investing tons of their time for free writing high level GUI features they don't really need which I think is unreasonable.

Lets be clear, Apple and Microsoft invested A LOT of money, creating a state of the art user-interfaces, artfully abstracting away a lot of lower level details. This takes a lot of focus, consideration and time.

Also, it is nice in a desktop environment, but has almost ZERO value in a server or in embedded systems where Linux is still mostly used (I'd even say it is counter-intuitive in such environments, you want low level control over a lot of details and very minimal cruft).

The problem in Linux, is that there is a not a good player with deep pockets to specifically focus on this and fill the void. Canonical tries, but the bulk of their money doesn't come from their desktop offering, it comes from their servers and cloud products.
Post edited September 22, 2021 by Magnitus
Magmarock: Seriously Linux, fix yourself so we can finally say good buy to Windows.
You mean so we can finally say "bad buy" to Windows :P.

Linux != its desktop environments. Even here you have plenty of choice. There's Gnome, KDE, MATE, Xfce, Cinnamon, Enlightenment, Openbox and many many others (these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head).

To say none of these are fine with you means you must have very particular demands from a desktop OS. Perhaps Linux itself is not entirely to blame you find yourself in this situation?
Post edited September 22, 2021 by WinterSnowfall
Magmarock: The worst thing about Linux though it’s community. The downright refusal to improve things and blame everything on everyone else instead of setting aside the autism, taking up the mantle and just making something that works. Looks like it’s own creator agrees with me.
I would argue that the "GaMiNg community" is probably the worst I've seen in my life. Yet here we are :)
Wait, does social sites count as "community"? Or just random people spewing random nonsense pretending they know what they are talking about and that their voices actually count to anything other than noise?

As Magnitus explained, creating a "end user friendly OS" for desktop (wich most used Linux distros already are) is a freaking huge job, close to impossible without support from major tech companies and even then, no one want to invest because is too risky. And the fact desktops are dying slowly don't help either.
The fact that many people involved with the Kernel and distributions don't really want desktop Linux to go popular, since it may go against some principles that made Linux what it is today may not help many people desires to have a really good and viable alternative to Windows (including me). It's pretty much the same case with GOG, many old timers are gone because GOG's desires to go popular. Those are the same people who funded and supported GOG the most.

Linux as a good Windows alternative may not be viable the way we see it, and may mean it would be just like Windows. Lets wait for Steam Deck and see...
low rated
Magmarock: Seriously Linux, fix yourself so we can finally say good buy to Windows.
Alm888: That's rich!
How about you start coding and contributing first instead of being non-paying consumer?
Or, you can continue using Windows! Believe me, that's fine! Nobody will blame you.
I'm currently working on a program to update Fedora 34 offline. With all essentials including drivers and selected programs including VLC.
Post edited September 22, 2021 by Magmarock
Magmarock: I'm currently working on a program to update Fedora 34 offline. With all essentials including drivers and selected programs including VLC.
I feel the pain. Yum-extender (AFAICR) had the ability to add offline repositories (from local CD/DVD or even from random directory), but then Red Hat decided to hold a contest of "Who Makes the Most Ugly, Buggy and Useless Package Manager GUI" and it all went downhill.
But then again, one who willingly uses Fedora should know what (s)he brings upon him-/herself.
Synaptic is just better.