Fenixblade33: This is about his relation to GoG's community. Yes, when something happens to an employee who usually handles public affairs, its not wrong to expect *some* kind of answer instead of literally nothing. We don't know any circumstances of the situation whatsoever besides what people can piece together, and what people can piece together is not positive.
HereForTheBeer: Clearly we disagree on this, and I will nearly always choose the side of privacy in cases likes this. I don't feel the desire for information outweighs his desire to talk about it on his own terms. I would want the same thing were I in that situation.
Except nobody knows his situation or what he wants to do. Silence is not an answer and leads to many assumptions, and given the highly unusual circumstances of his situation, silence is not proof that he *wants* to be silent. The very least GoG could do is give a PR statement or something, in my opinion. Linko was important enough to the community that it deserves some kind of answer. Maybe not referring to his employment status if they didn't want to give out information like that (though I personally believe they should), but at the very least they could say something like
"Hello, we are aware many of our forumgoers have concerns about one of our moderators and community managers, Linko90,
While we understand your desires to know more about the situation, to respect his privacy and maintain fairness and confidentiality of all GoG employees we cannot give out any information about his current situation or status with GoG. We apologize and hope you understand,
Thank you"
Would've at least been *something*. That's the bare minimum, in my opinion.