Starmaker: If an article isn't worth your time summarizing, it isn't worth anyone's time reading.
* Moded. Please refrain from insulting others.
Fair enough. Comparing a human to an animal is indeed a a serious insult. It was shameful of me to have done so, and I apologize. I should have said "serial harasser and wannabe* sex offender".
"Ana Valens" has a twitter account where he expresses opinions in favor of
- rape (says women owe men sex, and refusing to provide it on demand should be a hate crime),
- sex slavery (supports the sex slave trade and opposes government and charitable efforts to eradicate it),
- pedophilia (thinks girls should be sexualized and "profit" from it in an unspecified way),
- self-harm (says children should do it if they hate their appearance),
- sexual harassment (says women should have no expectation of privacy, says real women love harassment and those who don't are secretly men and you should tell them this and accuse them of lying if they object, for their own good [TN: lolwut])
- harassment in general, as evidenced by his efforts to further harass Linko in the article and follow-up posts on twitter.
And that's as much of twitter as my browser can pull without crashing. It's not rumors, hearsay or unsubstantiated slander, but the content he personally posts to the Internet under his assumed name. It is his opinions that should be insulting to any decent person, as well as the fact that this predatory man is paid to broadcast them.
I again apologize for debasing the discussion and lowering myself to his level. I should not have done this.
* As a general rule, people should not be accused of committing acts that are currently crimes based solely on their support for legalization, because this blocks reform. Not everyone in favor of weed is a mindless stoner, not everyone in favor of safe abortion is a coathanger-wielding back alley butcher, and not everyone fapping to teenage girls currently has one hanging in xir attic / party headquarters. You shouldn't be judging people for wanting to "get away" with a "crime" based on their speech, you should be judging them for wanting to make the world worse.