Leroux: 5
seasons for $5US would be a hell of a deal. But even the actual whole season / 5 episodes is a steal at this price. ;)
even at 19.99 it be a steal, the game is 3d so its not my style, but 5 eps at 19.99 is only 3.99 euros for each episode.
current steam offer
39.99 euros listprice (own all at steam)
Includes 6 items: Lost Horizon, Lost Horizon 2, Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis, Secret Files 3, Secret Files: Sam Peters, Secret Files: Tunguska
Animation Arts Bundle is my style :D , i would pay 40 euros listprice for all 6 games at GoG
but chances are zero it will arrive i guess.............
so i have to look how to make my bought games run without installling the drm like tages on my pc :D