vsr: Great job! Just tried it.
Would be nice to have options for shadows of game's image on shelf (light source located to the left (like it is now), center (classic GOG library), etc). And classic library had some gradient on game's image on the right top corner, which make it look like there is a light source located to the right from shelf.
Also, is it possible to add some brightness to game's images (with CSS options or something like that)? They're a bit dark (or is it just me?).
Oh, and edges of game's images, they look like a cut part of an image. They lack borders. With borders they'll feel complete, imho.
To make it clear, new and old libraries:
http://imgur.com/yHP9Cp5 - old library
http://imgur.com/G8ZxHmX - Adalia Fundamentals userscript
PS: Who made images for games in library and who hosts them?
PPS: great job, once again! Just had to put my 2c to make it even better. :)
Thanks, glad you like it.
I think the brightness issue is actually connected to the gradient that you mentioned, looking at it it does look like the old library had white gradient applied over the top of the images which would have made them look brighter. I can see what I can do to emulate it and to add options for the shadow if that's not too difficult.
I'm not sure the old library had any borders either, and I think the general consensus was against them but it shouldn't be difficult to add if you wanted (either as a script option or as custom CSS for you through something like Stylish)
Gog actually still makes most of them, they use them on the Gog Mix pages, HyperInsomniacLive has made any others that were missing so far.
No problem, feedback is always welcome :)