Loenas: Something strange is happening for me since today (or perhaps yesterday).
When I use my usual
lgogdownloader --ignore-dlc-count . --save-serials --check-orphans --download --repair --create-xml automatic --no-subdirectories --language all --platform all --game $GAME
line, for example on enter_the_gungeon (but on other games too), it sometimes only lists (and downloads) parts. It does however report correctly the orphaned files. There is a random element, the next try may download a completely different set.
Does anyone else see this?
Any ideas what could be happening here?
That is strange. I haven't experienced this issue myself yet.
My guess would be that the API responses were missing info or were otherwise invalid. Although I don't see why or how the API responses would change between different tries.
eiii: I've updated my lgogdownloader today and have saved my config file again, which I hadn't done in a while. I got some differences hence I have a few questions.
Is there any difference between the options "--create-xml automatic" and "--automatic-xml-creation"? Or do they mean the same? If so, which one is deprecated and which one should I use?
The only difference is that --automatic-xml-creation can be set in the config file.
"--create-xml automatic" sets the same variable as "--automatic-xml-creation" so it acts as alias for "--automatic-xml-creation"
eiii: When I want to exclude nothing, should I change the "exclude = covers" in the config file to "exclude = " (as an empty option) or better remove the exclude option completely from the config file?
You should set it to empty
exclude =
exclude = ""
exclude = ''
or some other value that is not defined in the
include options vector if you remove it from the config file it will use the default value "covers"