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Is there a way to download a specific DLC installer file?

--download-file gamename/fileid
works when the fileid is numerical, but for installers that is not the case.
For example, fileid "en1installer0" can be the base game installer and one or more DLC installers at the same time.

Maybe this syntax should be supported?


(Also, why does gamename in --download-file is parsed as regex? Kind of annoying and seems a little bit useless. Having different switches for normal and regex modes would be better I think. --download, --download-regex, --download-file, --download-file-regex)
Post edited May 13, 2024 by Xypista1
Xypista1: Is there a way to download a specific DLC installer file?

--download-file gamename/fileid
works when the fileid is numerical, but for installers that is not the case.
For example, fileid "en1installer0" can be the base game installer and one or more DLC installers at the same time.

Maybe this syntax should be supported?


(Also, why does gamename in --download-file is parsed as regex? Kind of annoying and seems a little bit useless. Having different switches for normal and regex modes would be better I think. --download, --download-regex, --download-file, --download-file-regex)
761c3f1 Improvements to --download-file option

Allows downloading DLC files by extending file selection.
Files can be selected by using the name of dlc
--download-file "gamename/dlc_gamename/fileid"

It used regex because it uses the same code as --download and --galaxy-install to get game names and product ids.
This commit makes the downloader use exact match.
Well not really an exact match but kind of by automatically adding "^" prefix and "$" suffix to the regex in Downloader::downloadFileWithId
Post edited May 13, 2024 by Sude
Sude: 761c3f1 Improvements to --download-file option
Wow, thanks for the quick addition. It works.
Sude: I'll probably do a new release sometime next week.
I removed htmlcxx dependency and replaced html parsing with libtidy and tinyxml2 a few days ago so I'll wait a while to see if any new issues come up due to that before making a release.
high rated
LGOGDownloader 3.13
- Added --save-icon option (Patch by: nerdspice)
- Skip complete extras
* Checks to see if extras are already complete by getting file size from content-length header or API response
* Most of the time the API responses are not correct so they are not trusted by default and content-lenght header is used
* --trust-api-for-extras makes lgogdownloader trust API responses for extras to be correct
- Added options to save game details and product info json (Patch by: nerdspice)
* --save-product-json
* --save-game-details-json
- Added options to select blacklist and ignorelist file
* --blacklist to set filepath for blacklist
* --ignorelist to set filepath for ignorelist
- Added blacklist support for --galaxy-install
- Added ".mp4" to default orphan check regex
- Added support for Qt6 (Patch by: James Le Cuirot)
* If necessary, Qt 5 can be forced over 6 by passing "-DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Qt6=ON"
- Changed progress bar to be displayed per file instead of per chunk with --galaxy-install
- Added option to force GUI login
* --gui-login forces login GUI and disables browser based login method
* lgogdownloader must be compiled with -DUSE_QT_GUI=ON
- Added option to check login status
* --check-login-status prints whether the user is logged in or not
* Exit code 0 means logged in
* Exit code 1 means not logged in
- Added option to list user data
* --list "userdata" shows user data in JSON format
- Removed htmlcxx dependency
* Use libtidy with tinyxml2 to parse html instead
- Extended --download-file option to be able to select DLC files
* Files can now be selected by using the name of dlc
* --download-file "gamename/dlc_gamename/fileid"

sha256: e1bd9abd5955ad6a6d083674021cd9421d03473ce90d6e6a1a497f71c05d1fd0
md5: 08e701c57eba1e388a089569d3ff27fb
it seems I cannot download chinese version of Baldur's Gate 3. It just downloads the DLC delux edition content of baldur's gate 3.

./lgogdownloader --galaxy-install 1456460669 --galaxy-language chinese

I tried it with Gwent too, but it just downloaded the english version

./lgogdownloader --galaxy-install gwent --galaxy-language chinese
bitdomo: it seems I cannot download chinese version of Baldur's Gate 3. It just downloads the DLC delux edition content of baldur's gate 3.

./lgogdownloader --galaxy-install 1456460669 --galaxy-language chinese

I tried it with Gwent too, but it just downloaded the english version

./lgogdownloader --galaxy-install gwent --galaxy-language chinese
6149003 Fix selecting Chinese language
GOG has started to use "zh-Hans" as language code for Chinese in some cases
Post edited May 22, 2024 by Sude
Sude: 6149003 Fix selecting Chinese language
GOG has started to use "zh-Hans" as language code for Chinese in some cases
Thank you! It works now.
LGOGDownloader 3.14
- Fixed selecting Chinese language
* GOG has started to use "zh-Hans" as language code for Chinese in some cases
- Fixed handling of some missing files
- Fixed libtidy usage
- Updated --galaxy-show-builds help text
- Updated man page
* Removed help2man as make dependency for man page creation

sha256: 2629c54e2549881cdd155b4f89b472c62617db7a9cfe6b68dbcb1753080b1448
md5: db9a38074939deff7266564d96bca603

GOG now supports logging in with a Google account. The main benefit AFAICT is better MFA since Google supports U2F.

Will lgogdownloader support logging in via a Google account?

Hey folks, I usually use containers for these kinds of esoteric rapidly-updating utilities to avoid a million orphan packages on my system, and thought I'd share my work in case anyone is interested.

Here's a Containerfile/Dockerfile that spits out a ~21MB image with lgogdownloader:
https: // / JessiAuro / d8af9c3a41268ba4e5f239cd4e0a17c6

I won't be able to provide any support for this, but if you know what you are doing this will save you the time of hunting down all the libraries yourself.

This image is pinned to a specific version of alpine and lgogdownloader, so it should always build correctly but will require manual updating when new versions come out. If there are no new dependencies, it should be as simple as updating the environment variable at the top.

If you need a quick rundown on why this is useful, it will run on any system with a linux container runtime, including Windows (with WSL2), MacOS (with qemu i believe), and basically every modern linux distribution.

Containers are a bit of a rabbit hole, but worth learning if you run a home server or are otherwise a power-user/enthusiast. If you want to enter the lovely world of containers, the best starting point is probably the Podman website:
https: // / get-started

Apparently not allowed to post links hence the space padding.
JessiAuro: (…)
The version from Debian 12 repositories, LGOGDownloader 3.9, still works very well. While it’s nice to get all the new features as soon as they are developed, this is not required to use LGOGDownloader.

By the way I use it in a container too (used to be systemd-nspawn, now it is LXC), mainly so it does not go through my VPN and can get the full speed of my Internet access. It shares this container with downloaders for Humble Bundle and, and all of these are automatically run every night to make sure I do not miss any game update.
I found building local lgogdownloader not to be hard if I need a version that's newer than my Debian testing has. I didn't need containers for that so far.

I did want to rely on very recent features like reading blacklist / ignorelist from a file when doing Galaxy updates. Since I wrote my own scripts for updating installs. So periodically I end up building lgogdownloader ahead of the distro's version.

Also, if I build something and it requires installing packages, I make sure to uninstall them after that to avoid the clutter.

The only things I spin VMs for (containers would work too) are things I build very often, such as Linux kernel itself, Mesa and Wine. Since I don't want to mess up the build set ups for them and don't want that to interfere with the base system.
Post edited June 23, 2024 by shmerl
Sorry I don't recall if I've asked this already and just forgot... but when it says "lgogdownloader uses the Galaxy API", what does it mean in practice?

Does it mean lgogdownloader downloads offline installers from the same CDN servers as Galaxy (Akamai Technologies CDN), or does it still download them from the same Fastly CDN as web browsers and e.g. do?

The reason I am asking this is that it seems an universal phenomenon that with Galaxy (using the Akamai CDN) people can get far higher download speeds, than with a web browser, even with several download threads.

I am getting ok download speeds from Fastly servers using a web browser or (15-36 MBytes/sec depending on time of the day and the color of the moon), but when I tested with Galaxy sometime, I got even up to 70 MBytes/sec download speeds, specifically for offline installers (I have a 600Mbits/sec internet so I presume my theoretical download speed limit is not much higher anyway, 75 MBytes/sec).

So should I expect similar speeds with lgogdownloader, thanks to using Galaxy API?

EDIT: And I am specifically talking about downloading the (Windows) offline installers, not downloading nor installing the "Galaxy build" of any game.
Post edited July 28, 2024 by timppu
timppu: when I tested with Galaxy sometime, I got even up to 70 MBytes/sec download speeds, specifically for offline installers (I have a 600Mbits/sec internet so I presume my theoretical download speed limit is not much higher anyway, 75 MBytes/sec).
I get similar speeds with LGOGDownloader, with a roughly similar available bandwidth compared to yours.

I can not compare that to what goes through my Web browser, because most of my Internet usage goes through a VPN that limits my bandwidth a lot. LGOGDownloader can only reach such speeds because I run it on a dedicated network that does not go through this VPN.

So while I do get much lower speeds in my Web browser, this lower speed is actually the maximum I can reach with the VPN active anyway. GOG is not slower than downloading anything else from anywhere else.

I can not easily test a Web browser in the environment I use for LGOGDownloader, because this one is a headless LXC container so I can not run GUI software from it.

EDIT: DRM-free installers here too, I could not care less about the Galaxy builds.
Post edited July 28, 2024 by vv221