LGOGDownloader 3.10
- Added support for cloud saves (Patch by: loki-47-6F-64)
- Added initial support for ignoring DLCs with --galaxy-install
* Supports ignoring all DLCs when installing game with --galaxy-install
- Fixed MojoSetup hack for files that have missing XML data
* Tries to get file size using Content-Length header if XML data is missing
- Extended global flag bSizeOnly into status text generation (Patch by: Gordon)
- Added option to set message verbosity level
* Replaced --verbose option with --verbosity to better control message verbosity
- Fixed core dump with libcurl >= 7.87.0
- Slightly nicer libcurl cleanup (Patch by: David Donátek)
- Don't use depracated libcurl options
- Refactored login code
* Users can now get around reCATPCHA without the downloader being built with GUI enabled by using their browser to login
- Removed --list-details option
- Removed --list-tags option
- Changed --list option so it can be used to select what info to print
* "games" is the same as --list previously
* "details" is the same as --list-details previously
* "json" is JSON formatted output
* "tags" is the same as --list-tags previously
* The default implicit value is "games" (meaning --list is the same as --list "games")
- Remove make dependency on grep and readelf
* These were not actually needed since support for OpenSSL <= 1.0.2 was removed in version 3.9 but I forgot to remove the requirement at the time
https://github.com/Sude-/lgogdownloader/releases/download/v3.10/lgogdownloader-3.10.tar.gz sha256: eb91778cb1395884922e32df8ee15541eaccb06d75269f37fd228306557757ca
md5: d8f22c8e1d7b711fc318b9d8c271c033
There have been lots of changes to options so it's probably a good idea to list all of them here
Removed options: --list-details
Added options: --verbosity
Changed options: --list