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Um, guys does anyone know how to download this on ubuntu 18.04 or atleast just the basic steps, it seems quite hard...
high rated
LGOGDownloader 3.5
- Fixed segfault when getting download url via Galaxy API fails
- Fixed unclosed file handle in Util::createXML
- Fixed compiling when path contains spaces
- Added option to include products hidden by user
* --include-hidden-products allows to list and download products that have been set hidden in account page
- Added support for retry and wait in Galaxy API and downloader API
- Fixed memory corruption/crash related to rhash (Patch by: nathanel23)
- Added support for new language: Arabic
- Added support for new language: Romanian
- Added GUI login
* Uses QtWebEngine for login process if login form contains reCAPTCHA
* Enable support by compiling with -DUSE_QT_GUI=ON and use the new --enable-login-gui option with --login
* Login GUI is off by default to not cause issues for running lgogdownloader via ssh without X forwarding
- New dependency: QtWebEngine (if built with -DUSE_QT_GUI=ON)
- Made progress info show estimated total remaining size and time
- Added regex support to --galaxy-install and --galaxy-show-builds
* Using regex with these options will allow user to select a product from list of products matching the regex
- Added autofill to GUI login
* Login GUI now runs javascript to automatically fill email and password fields
* Users no longer need to type email and password again just because normal login method failed due to reCAPTCHA and GUI was launched

sha256: eeeaad098929a71b5fb42d14e1ca87c73fc08010ab168687bab487a763782ada
md5: 174a6d177de713a022ea54cbfd71bc0d

New dependencies:
qtwebengine (qtwebengine5-dev) if built with -DUSE_QT_GUI=ON

Also a note anyone who is using --disable-login-gui option because of ssh without X forwarding.
It is no longer needed.
Commit 8540955 reversed the previous behavior of GUI being enabled by default. It also replaced --disable-login-gui with --enable-login-gui option.
Post edited April 22, 2019 by Sude
wise decision not to enable the GUI login by default. As already in an issue said, many people don't want to have this as a default.

optonal, why not.

btw builds fine with my autoupdate script on CentOS7
because I think this is the occasion, I'll be publishing on Github, stay tuned.
Post edited April 23, 2019 by coffeecup
Github repo for script:
Post edited April 23, 2019 by coffeecup
I had gotten quite used to using lgogdownloader, but now it doesn't work for me any more: I can't get it to update the cache. I'm not sure when it started, as I wasn't paying enough attention, but it's fairly recent. Sometime late during the info gathering stage, after downloading 35MB(*) of data or so over 10-30 minutes or more depending, it decides to throw a SIGPIPE in the openssl library and die. I tried throwing various things at it, but no luck yet. I don't even understand why it's raising a SIGPIPE given that the transfer is apparently using CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL for the transfer that's dying. I guess I'll mess around a little more with it, but I doubt I can fix it, and it's not just flakier, but much, much slower than it used to be. I wonder if it's at least possible to reuse open connections for better speed.

Sorry, I hate posting questions without proposed answers, but I have a lot of other problems to deal with right now, and just don't know lgogdownloader well enough to fix it myself. Maybe I just hit some sort of threshold where I have too many games.

* I found this out by saving the results of each request, until it bombed. Why do we need over 600 KB of data for Grim Dawn?

Edit: Note that although it "only" downloads 54MB, it does 1.1MB/s transfers for the entire time, so I'm guessing a lot of transfer failures/restarts from scratch. I need to eventually look into it more closely. (note that I'm getting game data rates of about 11 MB/s using the same public wifi)

Also, what is probably the most obvious fix is the one I just tried, and it appeared to work well enough for me to finally receive my World of Goo update: I disabled SIGPIPE in main(). It took 32 minutes to finish, though (5 minutes or so for gathering names, rest for gathering info), plus maybe some extra time at the end.
Post edited May 17, 2019 by darktjm
I tried downloading Bioshock Infinite using Galaxy access like this:

lgogdownloader --list-details --game bioshock_infinite | grep 'product id'
product id: 1752654506

lgogdownloader --galaxy-show-builds 1752654506
0: Version 1.0.1643565 - 2019-05-24T12:52:46+0000 (Gen 2)

lgogdownloader --galaxy-install 1752654506/0
But the result doesn't look like a full game. There is no *.exe anywhere in it. All it has is DLC/* and a bunch of text files. What is missing in the above method?
Post edited June 01, 2019 by shmerl
shmerl: (…)
Default mode use 64-bit architecture, if this is a 32-bit only game try adding "--galaxy-arch 32"
(guess work from the man, I didn't try this feature yet)


Well, looks like it's a 64-bit game anyway, so forget what I wrote…
Post edited June 01, 2019 by vv221
vv221: Default mode use 64-bit architecture, if this is a 32-bit only game try adding "--galaxy-arch 32"
(guess work from the man, I didn't try this feature yet)
Well, looks like it's a 64-bit game anyway, so forget what I wrote…
It actually did help, thanks a lot! It downloaded a lot more after adding --galaxy-arch 32, including Win32/BioShockInfinite.exe, so I think the game is actually 32-bit.
Post edited June 01, 2019 by shmerl
I've been getting a lot of disconnects the last week or so when I try to sync my collection, when I run with `--curl-verbose` I see
* Operation too slow. Less than 200 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds
* stopped the pause stream!

The download though is going plenty fast, closer to 3MB/s. Anyone else seeing this?

-- Edit: Seems setting `--lowspeed-rate = 0` solved the disconnects.
Post edited June 01, 2019 by torham
shmerl: It actually did help, thanks a lot! It downloaded a lot more after adding --galaxy-arch 32, including Win32/BioShockInfinite.exe, so I think the game is actually 32-bit.
So much for the dependencies shown on GOG game card…
Glad you managed to get it anyway ;)
Can I use lgogdownloader for a cronjob which checks my liberary every day for updates?
Woolytoes: Can I use lgogdownloader for a cronjob which checks my liberary every day for updates?
Yes, I've done this. Just make sure to run it as user and not root.
The DLC list (github/Sude-/lgogdownloader-lists/master/game_has_dlc.txt) seems to be missing neverwinter_nights_enhanced_edition
I get the Following errors. But for some reason i can not post them as i get a message on this forum saying i can not post any links.
TheJoe: Not sure if I'm missing a dependency or if something is going crazy at the GOG servers or something, but I'm definitely connected and should be able to make a connection.
Sude: Nothing to blame here but my stupidity
While cleaning up the sources to remove commented out old code that wasn't working I managed to somehow delete some part of the code for the login
I accidentally deleted the part that sends the POST to login form

I should have tested the login one more time before first releasing it :\

anyway here's a fixed source
First off, let me say thank you for building something so useful and helpful.

I'm presently having this same issue from lgogdownloader version 3.5 which I built from source following your instructions.

tethtibis@Fhawx-Beast:~$ lgogdownloader --version
LGOGDownloader 3.5
tethtibis@Fhawx-Beast:~$ lgogdownloader --login
Email: **********
Timeout was reached
Failed to get login token
HTTP: Login failed

could it possibly be something I'm doing or have done wrong? I've even changed my password and turned off two step authentication to try and get this working.

to be clear, I compiled with [-DUSE_QT_GUI=ON] and have also tried [lgogdownloader --login --enable-login-gui ] and I have [qtwebengine5-dev] installed, but no GUI is ever presented, and I get the same results.

{edited for clarification}
Post edited June 09, 2019 by Tethtibis