EnforcerSunWoo: Wouldn't want to rock the boat and actually get a fair shake for customers that feel like they have been ripped off. We couldn't have that now could we? That would be wrong to have a store front that was dedicated to providing products and services that people actually paid for. You either do right by the people that have been wronged or you are complacent in allowing these practices to perpetuate.
Ok, look.. I could be wrong on all counts.. and this isn't going to sound nice.. but I sincerely believe GOG is in
deep fucking shit.
Here's why:
1) They have no selling point. They did, when releasing old games nobody else bothered to sell was a new thing. But now everyone realized they can sell their old junk, so you can go buy most of it on Steam or what have you. Also, the vein of old titles that can be obtained and re-released is running dry. Old games are not keeping GOG afloat, they have not been keeping GOG afloat for years now. New games do, but the only selling point GOG has when it comes to new games is that they're DRM-free. Unfortunately the vast majority of the market does not understand what it means and does not care at all.
Consumers, which is where GOG gets money from, do not care. GOG gets (not even) shit from consumers! 2) The majority of game devs & publishers are lazy effin c***s who cannot be arsed to look beyond the one big platform where most of the sales are. Instead, they find excuses why spending the time to do a release on GOG is not worth it.
Publishers don't care! And this means GOG has to work hard to lure them to their platform and make it seem like a worthy deal. Unfortunately GOG already has a reputation for being difficult to work with.
GOG gets shit from publishers & devs! Demanding more from publishers can only make it harder to strike deals with them. Kicking publishers (even if justified) will further hurt GOG's reputation as being difficult to work with.
3) The majority of consumers can't be bothered to look beyond their favorite Steam library.
GOG gets (not even) shit from consumers!.
4) Competition in GOG's market is fierce, and it only got a lot worse recently, thanks Epic. Turning profit is seriously difficult, and I don't see it getting any easier in the near future.
GOG probably gets shit from investors, because they aren't making much dough. Investors probably see GOG mainly as a side project that helps CDPR sell their titles.
5) GOG seems to have some internal issues. I don't know if it's mismanagement or simple lack of resources or what, but technical issues with the website & Galaxy seem common and progress on them is really slow. Features are promised and never delivered, bugs sit for years...
GOG gets shit from users because of these issues. 6)
GOG gets shit from social media lynch mob. And then they fire their own people, and from the rumours I've heard, some old timers left out of their own volition (I wish I knew the story with linuxvangog).
GOG gets shit from inside. 7) Cutting communications and losing values (regional pricing? fair price package? priorization of galaxy to the demise of offline installers? woefully neglected linux support? etc.),
GOG gets shit from some of their biggest long time fans. 8) When removing titles from the catalog, for whatever reason,
GOG gets shit from users who wanted to buy a DRM-free GOG release no matter what. 9)
GOG gets shit from their fans, users, publishers, and game developers due to their curation policy that can't ever satisfy everyone.
The list is longer but I got tired of typing. I hope I'm getting my point across. Basically, I think GOG gets a lot of shit and while some of it is deserved (due to their own failings), a lot of it due to them being stuck between rock and hard place. That's especially the deal with publishers & market behavior.
That is not GOG's fault! So they've managed to attract some shitty publishers. Of course GOG couldn't have known it's going to turn out like this when they were trying to strike a contract that gets them on the store instead of scaring them away. Too bad for us, and too bad for GOG...
If I take revenge on GOG for having made some friends that turned out to be bad, it feels like I'm buying nails for GOG's coffin. I am not going to do that.
These publishers need to be called out (preferrably until they come into compliance or get sick of it and leave on their own). I hope GOG also gets the message that we care (but to be fair I think they already know, some problem titles have been removed in the past), but giving them concrete shit in the form of refund requests may very do us all a disservice if you care about having a GOG in the future. I don't want to rock this boat.
Just my worthless two cents.