Posted July 10, 2019

The criteria of whether something is DRM doesn't depend on whether it's an especially obnoxious DRM that affects someone's hardware. Valve's Scheme client on its own seems relatively benign, no one that I see is majorly complaining about load times, etc...but you agree it is nonetheless DRM.
And please don't make false equivalences; the distinction here is that there is really nothing the dev/pub/GOG can do about hardware progressing whereas it is an active choice on the part of the dev/pub to gate multiplayer to online-only sign-ins. Join me in demanding better!
2. DRM can be such even if it's more benign, I agree, but I don't think SOME things like MP accounts are DRM as one can make an account to play such & usually for free(as I said). If they made it pay only after you already bought the game then maybe i'd see it as being DRM more.
3. It(to me) is ok to use as an example, as in both cases one will lose access to their set is due to the march of time/progress/etc and one is not.
I do think better treatment of gamers is a good thing, though, and support such 100%.
(Also how is it a "gate" when anyone can open said "gate" by making an account? To me that's not a very effective "gate" then)
Post edited July 11, 2019 by GameRager