Posted June 27, 2016

Similarly, in the Doctor Who series, there is no rule (to my knowledge) that says the Doctor can't reincarnate as a woman.
The issue I have, actually, is that, considering only games with fixed (not player-created) protagonists, there are far more male protagonists than female characters.
For example, take a look at the protagonists of Nintendo's NES games. We have:
Ninten (from Mother)
Little Mac
Just from this list of 7, if male and female characters were protagonists equally often, we would expect 3 or 4 of them to be female, but there aren't even 2 female characters! Even worse, if you accept the manuals of the games as fact (ignoring the best ending of Metroid), there aren't *any* female characters! (The English manual for Metroid uses male pronouns for Samus, and it's only when you beat the game that it's revealed that she's female. That should be a selling point, not an ending surprise!)
Oh wait. The picking are much slimmer. You've got what, Pikmin, Mario, Pokemon, and...Zelda. Everything else is Status best.
With Pikmin IV, we don't know what to expect because all of Nintendo's outward showing was on the shoulders of a single man and he's gone now. Mario is a mainstay series that probably won't even stop after Nintendo as we know it is gone. Pokemon looks to be the same as ever, and Breath of the Wild looks to be too ambitious in my opinion.
Now of the grand showing of practically bugger all this year, we can expect that Pokemon will continue to feature a female avatar. Perhaps they'll even remember to let us customise it. That's a check.
Miyamoto mentioned something incredibly vague about doing something different with the 2D Mario series. Considering that he hit the ceiling for both stables, what with going to space and just giving up and giving people a level editor, I can understand the need for something new. However, I doubt that this will involve Peach-Hime being playable.
In spite of shaking up 30 years of conventions and Zelda traditions, the series creator and current Zelda Team lead have both put their feet firmly in their mouths as to why there wouldn't be a female protagonist in a mainline Zelda game. But there's been female Zelda artwork and cosplay since before the first Clinton administration. My expectation is that it'll be until the next Clinton administration to realize this. They had already considered this before (in the same way a picky child considers peas), but apparently they didn't understand that they could have avoided a buttload of idiotic bad press by simply giving players the option when the character of Link is so efficient that some Disney Princesses look Butch compared to him.
As for Pikmin, they did introduce ONE female playable character, but it was still an absolute sausage fest. I do not have high expectations for this to be resolved.
I don't get what happened. The Mother Series, Fire Emblem, and the Nintendo Wars series were speckled with good examples of strong female characters. Kumatora, various female COs, and of course so many serious ladies of Fire Emblem, and not the otaku bait that is the obviously pandering Tharja.
Nintendo claims to have female staff, but I don't trust the culture of Japan to put them above "carpet' status.
Post edited June 27, 2016 by Darvond