paladin181: I never said that females in prominent roles is bad. I love the Longest Journey/Dreamfall games, Tomb Raider games and the like. I just personally don't see a need to gender swap existing characters to cater to a specific and limited demographic, or to do it just as a PR move.
I have to completely agree with you on that. Fictional characters have an established identity, whatever it is and that includes their gender. Personally I'd rather see such characters continue to be who they always were from the start than to have their history altered via new fiction that gender swaps them. Create new fiction with different characters instead.
I too play and enjoy games where the protagonist is either gender. Doesn't matter to me as long as the game is a good game whether the main character you play is male or female, so long as the game appeals to a general audience. The Tomb Raider games you cited are probably the best example of this. They're just fantastic games. I can see someone perhaps not going for that type of game, but I would find it odd if someone chose to not play the game just because the main character you control is female. She kicks ass! Same thing with the games X-Blades and Blades of time - female protagonist, great action game.
I get the impression that these companies that want to remake or retell fictional universes by gender swapping the hero - are doing so to generate confusion and controversy as well as curiosity about the end results because they can't think of ways to come up with fresh compelling content perhaps.
There are perhaps some exceptions to this where it was controversial but turned out to be ok in the end in some people's eyes too. Take Battlestar Galactica reimagined series from last decade, who could have ever pictured Starbuck as a woman before that. But the story and series was epic beyond all imagination and the female Starbuck character turned out ok. It only took a few episodes to not even think or care about that as the story, acting and pretty much everything about the show was not only next-level, but the level above that. But IMHO BSG was a special case exception really.
What about Thor? I mean, really? I'd have rather had them make Thor have a secret twin sister or something than to turn Thor female, that's just retarded. So yeah, I'm not a big fan of them gender swapping iconic superheroes or other characters in fiction at all, but I have no problem with there being superheroes, villains or other characters in fiction/games regardless of their gender.
I'd rather see games that want to provide other-gender main characters let you CHOOSE the gender of your character, and if it is a pre-existing fictional character, have multiple to choose from. For example, in the Witcher universe - a new Witcher game could have Ciri as the main character, or Yennefer or Triss, or even Dandelion or Yarpin, etc. etc. etc. But don't change the gender of one of the pre-existing known characters, that's just destructive to fictional canon - unless it is a parody or satire.