paladin181: A female Geralt (keeping all other things the same, except making Ciri male or not, because gender doesn't matter as long as they're women.. It only matters when men are used) would probably lack the same physical abilities of male Geralt. Let's say she's as far above exceptional women as Geralt is, and more so to match his own physicality. Then the game would be a female based protagonist with physical traits that stretched the bounds or reality farther than it already does.
Fairfox: I don't know whyyy that matters; s'not real life 'n' I doubt many men could be that physically fit anyhoo. This is fantasy, right?
Not interested in teh series (and I know naaazing about it, fo' sho'), but moar females in prominent roles is no bad thing in general. I likes
Doctor Who (to a degreeee) and I totes want a female Doctor, for example; established or not Imma really thinking that could make things interesting, moar inclusive and have a different spin on teh stories told/character interactions. Teh fact it's always been a man (so far!) doesn't really mean much.
When the market see it is profitable to create games that cater to your taste, you will get much more then the currently sizable female protagonist catalog.