mechmouse: As far as I am Aware, the new toilet laws ban trans-gender people using toilets that are not related to birth gender. I didn't think there were laws created that gave them the right to use toilets based on identified gender.
Since the only laws I knew of where those banning trans-gender people, I assumed it was in one of those states this assault took place.
Though I have no idea how a law banning a male-to-female person using a female toilet would have stopped the man walking into the ladies. A law stopping people from walking on the grass isn't going to stop a person cutting over the park to break into a house.
SELF-identified, my friend. You don't even have to look the part, or prove to anyone that you do. That's what these laws are for. They allow you to be trans just long enough to go to the women's toilet, or vice-versa.
And it was a restaurant. If the laws weren't in place, I'm sure anyone, staff or customers, would've raised a concern.
Geddit now?
Dalthnock: It's quite telling that I'm being downvoted by expressing anti-paedophilia views. A shame we can't see WHO downvotes for what reason. ;)
dtgreene: No, you are being downvoted for transphobia.
How am I transphobic, pray tell? Just because I question ONE law that does NOT service trans people but DOES endanger children?
How do you figure I'm transphobic from there? Or is "transphobic" the new "racist", that you just throw at people regardless of the issue they're discussing, just because they disagree with YOUR particular points of view?
No, I'm pretty sure there are paedophiles in this community, as there is everywhere else & they're sniping me because no one will know who did it.
You see, that's what paedophiles are. Craven cowards who lurk & slither in shadows like the slimy things they are.