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Dalthnock: This is unbelievable. Not only you people don't care about the possibility of this kind of crap happening, you also dismiss evidence that it has ALREADY happened.

What does it take to make you change your minds? I'm pretty sure one little girl wouldn't be enough to do it, since it wasn't! Oh, it wasn't very serious, the guy just choked her to near death, but she's ok, right?
Lets try and get this into your head.

That poor girl got attacked because the man was a criminal pervert. The only law that could have stopped that from happening is a law requiring a security guard to be present at every public bathroom. At which point he'd try somewhere else to attack.

Her attack is horrific, hence being a crime. A crime where the perp was caught and arrested.

No stupid bathroom law stopping trans people using suitable bathrooms would have stopped it.

The best thing to stop people from developing these kinds of abusive behaviours is getting a better understanding of the human condition.
Dalthnock: Ah whatever, this is taking too much of my time & I have other fronts where I should try to fight this battle.
>waves to Dalthnock riding past to fight evil across the internet<
Acriz: Why this? Why should this be more legit than any other fear-mongering?
Because children can't take care of themselves. If adults screw up & suffer through their own choices, it's their own fault. Children didn't choose this.

Acriz: You mention Animal Farm and 1984, but forgot Minority Report.
Completely different authors. One wrote his books based on logical observation of human behaviour & the reality around him, and even went so far as to join a war that wasn't his against Franco, where he lost an eye, simply because he believed there are things that are worth fighting for, no matter the price.

The other was a drug-fuelled lunatic.

I don't know which one is my favourite. I have almost all their books.

Acriz: Your OP story was inconclusive. The one where there was a middle aged men in the showers.
The one about a man strangulating a girl was already illegal and at no point was he claiming to be allowed to do that because of bathroom laws.
I'm sure it might've crossed his mind to say "I only did it because I could freely enter women's toilets", but sometimes, just sometimes, people don't feel inclined to explain their motivations or what public stupidity they took advantage of to get to their goals.

I know, I can't believe some people can be so rude.
Dalthnock: I'm sure it might've crossed his mind
Dalthnock: Ah whatever, this is taking too much of my time & I have other fronts where I should try to fight this battle.
Breja: &gt;waves to Dalthnock riding past to fight evil across the internet&lt;
If you can suggest any other way I might have my voice heard, I'll be eternally grateful.

Who should I write to? Who should I talk to? I'd love to do this face to face with someone. It's always so much easier & much less embarrassing.

So I'll truly appreciate any idea you might have regarding this subject. Travelling is not an issue.
low rated
Dalthnock: This is unbelievable. Not only you people don't care about the possibility of this kind of crap happening, you also dismiss evidence that it has ALREADY happened.

What does it take to make you change your minds? I'm pretty sure one little girl wouldn't be enough to do it, since it wasn't! Oh, it wasn't very serious, the guy just choked her to near death, but she's ok, right?

And if a couple of them do die or get abused & scarred for the rest of their lives, well tough! It's the price to pay just so one person in 300 can take a relaxed dump.

At this point, I'm not sure even your own children being attacked would change something.

This is some Animal Farm/1984 type shit right here. In Animal Farm the sheep were politically trained to drown out the valid concerns of the rest of the animals by bleating propaganda so loud that it would drown every other voice. And 1984, despite popular misconception, isn't really about surveillance, even though it plays a big role in the story.

It's about completely brainwashing people to remove their critical thinking & their perception of important issues even if they're happening before their very eyes. Cue Social Justice rhetoric.

Wishful thinking drowns reality. Welcome to the new world.
Dalthnock: Well, of all the ridiculous fear-mongering that goes on in the world, don't you think this is the one might be worth it?
No, because ridiculous fear-mongering is ridiculous fear-mongering no matter what the situation. You complain wishful thinking drowns reality, yet at the same time you admit the situation of predators abusing a transgender-equality law to commit acts of depravity without the authorities able to lay a finger on them may not have happened yet, but will soon happen if something isn't done. Isn't that wishful thinking drowning out reality and critical thinking being eliminated?

If you make it easier for them, the sexual predators WILL take advantage of it. It's that simple.

And even if they can sneak into whatever toilet they want now, the fact that this removes any need to make sure they enter unseen *is* making it easier.
Make sure the paedophile hiding under your bed or in your closet doesn't read this paragraph, lest it gives him any ideas. If you want to enter an opposite sex kid bathroom while there's someone watching, take a casual yet obvious look at your watch and mumble "What's taking her so long?" just loud enough for the other party to hear or, if you think that's too obvious, just let out an audiable sigh. Then casually walk in without checking over your shoulder, with or without calling out some random kid name for added effect. There, the person watching you will now assume you're checking on one of your own kids who's been inside for too long. Repealed trans law or no repealed trans law.

I would like to challenge you again to look for the following situation so you can stop arguing pure on hypotheticals.

1) A sexual predator was caught imposing on people of the opposite gender in a bathroom.
2) Said predator used the "I'm a trans awaiting surgery so I was in the right to be there"-defense.
3) The authorities were forced to drop his charges as a result.

I can assure you that if this happened, it'd be all over the news. The fact that it isn't may be a clue. But good luck in your search anyway.

Oh, and the reason people keep steering the discussion back to trans people is because you're arguing for the repeal of laws specifically aimed at improving transgenders' situation. So of course they're gonna be brought up.

Anyway, if you need some US laws or customs to be outraged about as a foreigner, particularly regarding the well-being of children, look up stuff like: "Grade schooler blows younger sibling's head off with loaded gun he found under daddy's pillow." I can assure you that unlike the scenario I mentioned above, this one's no longer a hypothetical and you'll find plenty of tragic examples, though probably not on Breitbart.

Or you could indeed move the chicken little act to more receptive places. That might be for the best.
Post edited May 25, 2016 by Erpy
Dalthnock: Ah whatever, this is taking too much of my time & I have other fronts where I should try to fight this battle.

Posting that last link was an impulse, and ultimately pointless, as the whole thing was just steered into talking about trans people again.

Like I said before, I don't think there's any point on dragging this thread, the alarm has been rung on these here prairies already. I should've moved on as I planned, but then I read that article just minutes later.

I won't be making that mistake again.
Please feel free to link any forum replies where people agree with your view point.
low rated
Dalthnock: Ah whatever, this is taking too much of my time & I have other fronts where I should try to fight this battle.

Posting that last link was an impulse, and ultimately pointless, as the whole thing was just steered into talking about trans people again.

Like I said before, I don't think there's any point on dragging this thread, the alarm has been rung on these here prairies already. I should've moved on as I planned, but then I read that article just minutes later.

I won't be making that mistake again.
mechmouse: Please feel free to link any forum replies where people agree with your view point.
Actually, I'm perfectly willing to believe there are plenty of places online where folks agree with the viewpoint contained in the opening post, just like there are plenty of places where people agree global warming is a hoax and autism is caused by kids getting vaccinated. No real need for additional evidence.
Post edited May 25, 2016 by Erpy
Erpy: Actually, I'm perfectly willing to believe there are plenty of places online where folks agree with the viewpoint contained in the opening post, just like there are plenty of places where people agree global warming is a hoax and autism is caused by kids getting vaccinated. No real need for additional evidence.
It's called Fox News. :D
mechmouse: Please feel free to link any forum replies where people agree with your view point.
Erpy: Actually, I'm perfectly willing to believe there are plenty of places online where folks agree with the viewpoint contained in the opening post, just like there are plenty of places where people agree global warming is a hoax and autism is caused by kids getting vaccinated. No real need for additional evidence.
Me too, I just curious about what they look like.
And you forgot Flu jabs lead to Dementia
Erpy: Actually, I'm perfectly willing to believe there are plenty of places online where folks agree with the viewpoint contained in the opening post, just like there are plenty of places where people agree global warming is a hoax and autism is caused by kids getting vaccinated. No real need for additional evidence.
tinyE: It's called Fox News. :D
I barely escaped IS controlled Birmingham.
Post edited May 25, 2016 by mechmouse
Erpy: Actually, I'm perfectly willing to believe there are plenty of places online where folks agree with the viewpoint contained in the opening post, just like there are plenty of places where people agree global warming is a hoax and autism is caused by kids getting vaccinated. No real need for additional evidence.
While I accept your criticism of my behaviour in your previous post as valid, here you're taking it just a bit too far.

I'm not into politics & I certainly don't accept everything one side says as true.

The vaccination thing is just as bad as any of the crap that Social Justice Warriors spew & a good reminder that choosing sides based on political affiliations is one of the most idiotic things anyone can do.

So back off a little, because in this post, your reading of me is way off.
low rated
Erpy: Actually, I'm perfectly willing to believe there are plenty of places online where folks agree with the viewpoint contained in the opening post, just like there are plenty of places where people agree global warming is a hoax and autism is caused by kids getting vaccinated. No real need for additional evidence.
Dalthnock: While I accept your criticism of my behaviour in your previous post as valid, here you're taking it just a bit too far.

I'm not into politics & I certainly don't accept everything one side says as true.

The vaccination thing is just as bad as any of the crap that Social Justice Warriors spew & a good reminder that choosing sides based on political affiliations is one of the most idiotic things anyone can do.

So back off a little, because in this post, your reading of me is way off.
Alright then. If that's true and you're willing to listen to the "other side" and take their view into genuine consideration, perhaps the following fact can convince you that the whole panic around the bathroom laws is overblown:

You say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and the US shouldn't take the risk of repealing discriminating bathroom laws because it MIGHT cause sexual predators to try and get off the legal hook by committing an act of deviancy and then claiming they were in their rights because state law allows them to use any bathroom that matches their gender identity.

The thing is: the laws forcing transgenders to use the bathroom assigned to their birth gender have been struck down already in several states across the country. They've been off the books for years.

Connecticut and Nevada prohibited discrimination against transgenders in public accomodations in 2011
Colorado did it in 2008
Iowa, Oregon and Vermont did so in 2007
Hawaii: 2006, a decade ago
Maine: 2005
Rhode Island: 2001
New Mexico: 2003
Massachusetts: 1997, nearly two decades ago
Minnesota: 1993, over two decades ago

Check out this site:

Yes, it's a liberal site, but in each of the places where it points out the states that banned trans discrimination in public facilities, it links to an article stating the passing of said law. The big radical change that terrifies you so much? It's been the law of the land in several states for many years. And guess what? No sudden increase in sexual violence in public bathrooms. If that had been the case, it would have been reported already.

This isn't about 50 states being forced to adopt an unprecedented change. In the US, there've been states that lead, states that follow always...states that have to be dragged into the next century kicking and suing and screaming. Which is why the right-wing media is suddenly howling now and didn't shout "think of the children!" two decades ago. Heck, the kids you're so worried about? If they lived in Minnesota, they might have kids of their own by now.

We can argue about comfort zones all day long, but the fact is: the people who say that striking down discriminatory bathroom laws won't initiate doomsday scenarios of sexual predation aren't engaging in wishful thinking as you implied before. They have years of reality on their side as evidence.
Post edited May 25, 2016 by Erpy
Erpy: Alright then. If that's true and you're willing to listen to the "other side" and take their view into genuine consideration
I always listen to the other side.

The thing is, I admitted I was afraid from the start. So yeah, I'm not being as rational as I usually am. Big deal. Most people aren't rational their entire lives, so cut me some slack.

And this isn't a fear that goes away easily, although if what you say is true about there being mandatory toilet laws in several states for years now, then it does help to ease my mind a bit.

But if this is the case, I still don't understand two things: one, why is this MANDATORY by government law instead of optional as has been the case with other, more ridiculous discriminations - the wedding cake refusal being a good example. THAT was optional, and it just makes no sense.

And the second is, why is the puppet in the White House FORCING the issue in public elementary schools, essentially blackmailing state governors by threatening to cut public education funds, something that should be assured, because education is something everyone should have a right to, regardless of the actions of state governors.

After all, creationism was somehow allowed in schools, so if they're allowed to choose something as appallingly stupid as that, why can't they choose their own toilet policies, especially if some of the schools don't even have transgender students?

If you add the fact that the puppet in the White House has been very inclined to negotiations & compromising on everything, this very unusual forcing of this particular issue rings - or should ring - all kinds of bells.

You can't tell me this is the puppet in the White House's normal modus operandi. Because it really isn't. So why this? Why now?

This just doesn't make sense. You may applaud it because it falls into your line of thinking. But even so, you could probably be a bit more critical on the way all this is being handled.
low rated
Dalthnock: It's about completely brainwashing people to remove their critical thinking & their perception of important issues even if they're happening before their very eyes. Cue Social Justice rhetoric.

Wishful thinking drowns reality. Welcome to the new world.
Seeing that you were saying this about the people arguing against your claims just a few posts ago, it does sound odd that you're now asking people to cut you slack because nobody's rational 100% of the time.

Anyway, why is it mandatory? Dunno. Maybe because discrimination is easier to take action against than private schools teaching religion as fact? Because as you say people aren't rational 100% of the time and since several states having had these anti-discrimination laws on the books for years already, the states still codifying discrimination weren't gonna change their mind anytime soon since they were simply dismissing the evidence in front of them and Obama figured a little push was in order? Heck, if discrimation laws were left up to the states, Alabama might still be segregated today.