babark: As a non-parent (with nieces/nephews), who doesn't live in the US, the only thing that's important to you is how bathroom laws in the US will throw children out to the hyenas (despite the fact that it appears it will make no difference, and you agree that adults being in the bathroom with children of the SAME sex is also a problem, but you don't care about that)?
You can understand how some people will take a lighthearted approach to this topic. I mean, after all, when I first read the initial post, I actually guffawed out loud at this: " For the first time in my life, I am afraid of something real. I am talking about the US toilet laws."
You can see how people find you alarmist and funny, I hope?
Yes. I can see the funny in it. I *have* been interspersing my frothing with dry, subtle jokes in some of the posts.
But just because I don't live in the US or don't have children doesn't mean I can dismiss US children as not important.
EVERY child is important. Every single child carries within it the promise of something great. Granted, 99.99999adinfinitum% of them grow up to be complete wastes of space & oxygen, but you can never know which doesn't.
And it's been those *really* special people that have advanced the human race by leaps & bounds. If it weren't for them, we'd still be dragging our knuckles on the ground - if you think I'm exaggerating, just go see any sports match, where you'll witness people still speaking in grunts & growls.
So until such time as a child grows up old enough to see that they're just as useless as anyone else, they should be protected from their predators in every way possible.
Including not passing ridiculous laws that *force* people to bend over backwards to accommodate a very tiny percentage of the population in detriment of a much larger & fragile percentage - children.