Jonesy89: Check the link again. The URL indicates that this did happen in a bathroom, and 'bathroom' and 'transgender' are tags in the article... but neither actually come up in the body of the article at all.
It doesn't mention trans people? No shit! It's almost like I know what the hell I'm talking about.
Yet you people are still hell-bent on making this a trans issue. What the hell happened in the US for so many people to have their heads so crammed up their own asses they can't even seem to come up for air?
This happened in a Target store, that corporation that wholeheartedly embraced the notion that some fucktard can just go into whichever toilet/dressing room/whatever the fuck you want.
Furthermore, I believe that this issue was only reported because it happened in Texas, where they refuse to allow this kind of demented, abhorrent behaviour in public toilets. If this has already happened in states that are for the law, and I believe it already did, it will never be reported because Social Justice "Logic" is not allowed to be questioned by REALITY, period.
I want to believe it's only a very loud minority in the US that is very, very mentally ill, but that belief is whittled down every day.
Bottom line is, 0.3% of the population should never have more rights than 22.7%! It's absolutely insane! What the hell are you people drinking that you live so far detached from reality?
Jonesy89: The article never once mentions trans people at all, let alone that the dude tried to pose as one. More importantly, this didn't even happen in a bathroom; the article mentions a dressing room, which a.) aren't covered by the type of trans bills that have you concerned, and b.) aren't put into different rooms segregated by gender; they are just stalls in the middle of the store that anyone can walk by (but that noone can legally do this kind of illegal filming in without expecting a visit from the cops).
Earlier this month the man who has now been identified as McKissack was seen entering a women’s dressing room at a Target store in Frisco. "
Be fucking serious & stop talking to me like I'm retarded. I'm pretty sure the text came up the same in your screen. Why did you read it differently?