Dalthnock: Here we go again, more people who I bet aren't trans making this about trans people.
rampancy: You're forbidding people from using bathrooms based on their gender identity. How is that not against trans people? It's like an Intelligent Design advocate insisting that they're not a Creationist.
And no, for the record, I'm not trans. (But I have a friend who is.) How does that in any way invalidate what we've been saying? What about you? Have you taken the time to talk to a trans person (or even someone in the greater LGTBQ community) about why it's so important for them?
I can see where your fear is grounded and where it comes from -- namely, the safety and security of your 14-year old daughter. I can even empathize to a degree. But what if it was one of your children who was transgender, and vexed by this issue? Could you put yourself in the shoes of another parent with a son or daughter who was transgender? Could you put yourself in their son or daughter's shoes?
Dalthnock: And repeating the same crap that has been refuted before in this same thread.
rampancy: Indulging in trans panic hysteria is not "refuting" anything.
So, you're going for the "I have a x friend" routine? Classy.
It's very likely that I've talked with more trans people & other minorities than you have, and not just for the trophy claim. I mean real talks abou several issues, including & especially topics other than those pertaining to them.
They're real people with real opinions, you know? They don't need you to speak for them.
Also, please stop sexualizing children. This is exactly what I fear & you're doing it.