francksteel: I wish to never need again to make a wish.
Your wish is granted; you have never ever had to make a wish ever.
Therefore, you have never made any wishes, ever.
This, however, means that your wish has been cancelled, since it was never made.
But, since the wish was cancelled, you *do* need to make it.
As a result, the universe crashes. (As Douglas Hofstadter put it in Godel, Escher, Bach: "An event (if "event" is the right word) occurred that is impossible to describe, so no attempt will be made to describe it." (Paraphrased because I don't remember the exact wording; it's in the dialog "Little Harmonic Labyrinth" if you care to look.)
I wish for a sequel to Final Fantasy 4 that is not The After Years, and is intentionally not consistent with it. Furthermore, said sequel should have Cecil's daughter as the main character (he never had a son).