TheDudeLebowski: I wish my Cyberpunk 2077 alpha would be retail ready with no bugs.
Granted, but in order to get it bug-free, the developer overworks their emplyees to te point where some of them die of overwork. As a reslt, the game ends up not getting much support from the developers, as some of the important ones are no longer able to work or share their knowledge of the game's code, and the companty is not able to produce their next game in a timely manner (not enough people to work on the game, and the company is having trouble getting new hires, as nobody is willing to work for them).
To make matters worse, the company is plagued by lawsuits relating to bad working conditions.
Is this *really* worth it just to get a game out in good shape early?
(By the way, having the game be bug-free in this situation isn't actually realistic; a tired programmer is likely to introduce more bugs than they fix when trying to fix bugs.)
I wish for Fallout 5 to include a spellmaker like the one contained in the Elder Scrolls series up through Oblivion, but which was removed in Skyrim.