dtgreene: Your wish fails because its premise is incorrect; now, instead of having a positive sense of humor, her sense of humor is now negative.
Actually, that's not right; somebody took the square root of it, and it became an imaginary number.
Wait, even that doesn't work, because each number has two square roots, and there is no way to define a continuous (on the complex plane) function that always yields the same square root; hence, she has *two* senses of humor and not just one.
I wish for the user granting this wish to be one who actually understands all this mathematical silliness.
Granted, but unfortunately, I don't actually tell you the solution, and instead I hide it somewhere as a ARG in a geocache that leads to a stalactite music puzzle which then unlocks a a secret door in an undisclosed location.
You know, a real LucasArts Adventure.
I wish for a sequel to Super Mario Odyssey.