Habanerose: And since no wishes were made:
I did make a wish.
I wish for a trading card game focused on managing a cat shelter.
InaneKorruption: Granted, but you need to use uPlay to access it.
I wish for all the time in the world.
Granted, but you have to grant my wish first. Until you grant the wish, you are otherwise stopped in time.
I wish there were some magical switch that, when flipped, gets rid of all stress.
Habanerose: Just ignore the troll, no need to allow them to ruin anything for you.
That individual clearly does't seem to realise that its annoying behavior isn't welcomed anywhere and doing nothing more than annoy all the people around, assuming it isn't the intention from the get-go.
I am most certainly not a troll, and I did in fact, make a wish.
Also, "it" is never an appropriate term to refer to a person unless the person specifically asks to be referred to that way (which is rare).